वास्तुदेवतापदविन्यास |
Within a couple of centuries European scientsts have discovered that the Solar light (white) could be split up under suitable conditions into three segments; first, a visible spectrum of coloured rays ranging from the deepest blue to red with their wave lengths varying from 3900 to 7700 Angstroem Units.
This visible spectrum is flanked on each side by two invisible zones known as ultra-violet and infra-red. The ultra-violet segment comprises that part of the spectrum with wave lengths approximately between 136 and 3900 A. Únits, and is next to the violet zone; while the infra red segment has wave lengths varying between 7700 and 4000000 A. Units, and is next to the red of the visible spectrum. The invisible spectrum on the violet end is called the actin.c or chemical spectrum.
and region.
Cosmic rays Gamma rays Rontgen rays Ultra Violet
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The invisible region on the red end is called the thermic or heat spectrum. This section is divided into 3 sub regions according to the views of Luckiesh, while Saidman divides it into 9 octaves out of which the first 3 are used in therapeutics.
As far as the promulgation of the principles of Indian rata in old Vedic times is concerned we have to look to Aryan Brahmaņas of over 40 centuries who were divided into two distinct camps. One was purely orthodox and was headed by f and his colleagues, while the other belonged to the reformists' school and was headed by g and his colleagues. The latter school, it appears, has brought about a fusion of some of the Dravidian elements into the principles which were purely Aryan.
The mythological disquisition regarding the origin of artgaan is not touched here. Only the location and the intensity of influence of the deities involved are discussed. It may be added in this connectakes cognizance of as many as 45, perhaps
tion that Indian art 49 or 53 deities. These are shown in the chart attached hereto. (Vide p. XV.)
The Indian sages who promulgated this theory were not equipped with the present day appliances of the Western Science such as Newton's Colour card, Solarium with a spectroscope, Quartz lamp,