style of Architecture had completely lost its ground when B. came to be composed. Even its academic significance was ignored as it were by भोजदेव.
a. on the other hand has not discarded the past history of Architecture as revealed in works gone before. It has enumerated in detail the several constituent features of different styles. It has shown in this comparative classification that a had an individuality of its own upto a certain stage in the history of Architecture. and it was about say between the 8th and 11th centuries that it merged into the other styles with the result that new styles or substyles came into existence. Bommaji, a Dravidian architect, who flourished in the 9th century A. D. had acquired a mastery in four instead of three main divisions of Architecture.
a. has got a classification wherein a has, it is evident, split itself into different new styles not known before.
4. on the contrary has maintained the traditional knowledge of the artgar and enriched aй. by an intense study of comparative essentials of styles. King of had not analysed his subject by comparisions so valuably attempted by ȧ.
It may, however, be emphasized that the author of THI has tried to describe very vividly and in detail the details of arts in their general plan as well as in their elevation.
The निघण्टु of वास्तुपददेवता is laid down by him alone; neither the मयमतम् nor the fशरारत्नम् bas touched this question of निघण्टु at all.
A close study of a. and aquagar with respect to the subject matter in its manifold aspects leads me to conclude that air. is decidedly anterior in its composition to rufaaga which may safely be taken to the 12th century A. D.
Further, from certain affinity in the subject matter fateor is presumed to be contemporaneous with मानसोल्लास of सोमेश्वर देव.
If this position is tenable, it is the fourth faa, son of gear, who may have, il at all, any hand in the composition of afar. The three kings arfaas named above can never have any relation with this treatise.
Under these circumstances, it can be definitely observed that the time of composition of aquay can be laid down between the 12th and the first half of the 13th century A. D.
The verses Nos. 9-10 of the 26 at one time were thought to be s, but it is not so as on further inquiry from Dr. Raghavan and other scholars the two verses on f, it was ascertained, were not composed by the well known àrarar ár (1268 to 1369 A. D.) who was, at one time, reported to be the author of the above