Rheostat, and other appliances ; or the remarkable instrument the Spectroheliograph which was invented by Professor Hale in America and M. Deslandres in Paris and which enabled one to get pictures of the hydrogen Sun, the calcium Sun or the iron Sun, portraying only those formations upon it that were composed of the particular vapours selected and which could further photograph the Sun's atmosphere at various levels etc.-and yet they were able to discern many natural phenomens in a marvellous minner. They had no equipped laboratory except nature and all the same they could distinguish between prinary, secondary and tertiary colours. They had the knowledge of the decomposition of Solar white light into the visible and invisible spectral regions. Their discoveries did not end there.
The visible spectrum had distinctive names with specific functions; the present day science has the seven divisions which are distinguished by colours only. Western science has no parallel with the changes which these seven rays undergo during the diurnal motion of the Sun at its several periods as detailed at length below.
Scholars have tried to interpret the Vedic gods from various view. points, but they have been found conflicting in a variety of ways. I am, on my part, led to approach the subject from a different angle altogether.
Emea has reference to readaanafaara i. e. the disposition or apportionment of (9+) divisions in the general plan allotted to different deities.
This artgqafa:erg, it may be observed, forms a fundamental principle for the design of various structures administering to the needs of men of a variety of grades.
In order to bring home to readers this view-point, 1 append a chart of the deities who direct and control the animate and inanimate world.
The North-east corner of the chart starts with which stands for na which corresponds to the ultra-violet segment of the solar spectrum. Its * (the mystical occult form) has the following attributes : (1) 308, (2) fatiga, (3) EFT, (4) 4 k (5) ga, (6) salozu, (7) 48+,(8) wa, (9) after, (10) jaz, (11) 11 (12) isas, (13) arazzit, (14) antzaze (15) etc.
If these characteristics are rationally studied, a host of properties and phenomena would be revealed.