सू. १२५.
साधारपीट लक्षण,
भूमि जपीठ रक्षण,
= वराट
= ਕਦਮੀ
= दारुज
द्राविडपीठलक्षण फांसाकार
. So far as it is concerned, all the es reduce themselves to नागर, दाविड and भूमिज.
सु. १२६.
सर्वदेवप्राबाद नागर including – छतिन, सान्धार, मिश्रक, विमान नागर, विमान पुष्पक सू. 189-192, अन्य प्रासादोदय मान - विमान, भूमिज, वलभी, द्राविड, वराट
वितान - As शिखर is to प्रासाद so is वितन to
, fara is, so to say, a roof or ceiling to the 3 and is of three kinds, so far as the surface level is concerned. 1. समतल, 2. क्षिप्त 3. उत्क्षिप्त.
1. समतलवितान has a uniform flat terrace throughout the entire length of the 8 and that too, on the same level.
2. क्षिप्तवितान has a flat terrace but in different levels, the central portion running through the entire breadth of the re being raised above the level surfaces of the sides by means of a (pillarets) over the main pillars either with or without the brackets or struts for projecting it over the side terraces.
3. afata has its surface raised upward i. e. it has a dome or vault semicircular, segmental or pointed and may or may not have (ribs) to the vault varying in number.
faatas arc again divided primarily into 4 kinds so far as the constituent constructive arrangement goes. They are पद्मक, नाभिच्छन्द, सभामार्ग and . These are pure and unmixed types, any one of them possessing distinctive features of its own; each of these divisions, is in its turn subdivided into 4 orders, namely शुद्ध, संघाट, भिन्न and उदभिन्न..
(a) शुद्ध is pure throughout the entire expanse of the वितान, and is
composed of only one kind without any admixture in its construction, while संघाट, भिन्न and उद्भिन्न are composite types made up of either 2, 3 or 4 gas etc.
(b) az is composed of any 2 types of gafar out of the 4 above; e.g. when forms the lower portion of the vault with afte forming the upper part thereof, the fat is made up of 2 s पद्म and नाभिच्छन्द ; it is then known as पद्मनाभ. When, in the same way, award forms the under part of the dome and q forms the upper one to the same, the fala are, too is known as सभापद्म; and सभामन्दारक, is a संघाटवितान with सभामार्ग and comprising the bottom and top portions of the vault respectively ; while कमलोद्भव has पद्मक with पद्मानि elongated in form.
अप xvi