Thus the total number of these intermediaries will be8x3i.e.24.
These lingas have their distinct names, (vide the text). Thus (1) and (2) S'ailaja liñgas make in all 9+24=33 forms. (3) An increase of 3" between 1' and 2' will give 1' 3" ; 1' 0";
1' 15"; and 1' 21" i, e. four forms. Similarly between 2' and 3', 3' and 4' etc. upto 8' and 9 there will be 4x8 i. e.
32 forms. Thus (1), (2) and (3) together make up 65 forms. (4) An increase of 2" between 1 and 2' gives 121; 1 41: 18
11101:11 14" : 1 16" 120and 122 i. e. in all 8 forms. Therefore between 1' and 9' there will be 8 x 8 i. e. 64 forms,
Thus (1), (2), (3) anti (4) will in all give 129 forms. (5) An increase of 11 between 1 and 2' gives 1-1"; 11-51; 1.70%;
1'11"; 11 134; 11 17" . 11 19" and 123" i. e. in all 8 forins. Therefore between 1' and 9 there will be 8 x 8 i. e. 64 forms. Thus (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) together make
129+ 64 = 193 forms. (6) Proceeding in the same way of reasoning for 1/2" we get in
all 192 forms.
Therefore the total would be 193 + 192 :- 385. (7) Similarly for 1/4/' total forms are 384.
Therefore total under all is 385 + 384 = 769. (8) Lastly for 1/8" total forms are 768.
Thus the grand total is 769 + 768 - 1537 while the text gives the total number of liigas as 1411 which seems to be incorrect.
स. ११४, मिश्रा. Composite-
These are formed under 5 heads as under
नागर नागर
नागर 2 नागर
द्राविड 4 भूमिज 5 भूमिज
जंघा or मंडोवर नागरमंडोवर द्राविड अंधा
वराट भूमिज भूमिज
शिखर विमान नागर विमान
द्राविड दाविडपुष्पक वराट
द्रविड भूमिज
नागर, द्राविड, वगट, and भूमिज determine the मिश्रक.
सत्र १२३. प्रासादपीठोदयमान-Here, too, will be found that नागर, द्राविड, भूमिज and वराट are the main प्रासादs, लतिन, सान्धार, मिश्रक and विमान having the same पीठोदयमान as the नागर. स. १२४. पीठळक्षण-नागरपीठ = लतिन, सान्धार, मिश्रक, विमान,
ना ना ना ना