The grandfather of Vajvasvata Manu had according to V. R. Karandikar of the Narmada Valley Research Board started the first new Lunar Calendar when the year was calculated from Rohini. Astronomically that era began about 4300 B, C.
The great flood which devastated the country was sometime after that date as there were 108 generations between the Mahābhārata War and the great flood and as 1920 B.C. was the date of that war, the date of the great food may be placed at about 4080 B. C. in accordance with the universally accepted Hindu calculations.
The fish incarnation was therefore of that date. The tortoise incarnation referred to the inundation caused in the Himalayan regions by the breach which drained away the Black lake of Kashmir at Barameula. The difference between these two incarnations was only a few months. The F*49719 stated that the era of the tortoise incarnation lasted a long time being over 700 years.
The Boar incarnation was an earthquake convulsion which destroyed the invading hordes of the demon Hiraṇyāksa while passing through the North West Frontier.
The Narasimha or Man-lion incarnation had never come to India. His work was done with the destruction of the Daitya. The great grandson of that Daitya was Bali during whose lifetime the Vamana incarnation took place. All these three incarnations appeared some time between 3380 and 3320 B. C.
Agastya's quaffing of the inland ocean and making it dry in order that the Kalayas, pirates who were concealed in its waters might easiiy be conquered was between the Vámani and Parasurama incarnations. sometime between 3300 to 3250 B, C.
That inland sea was according to him the lake formed by the land slide near the edge of the Malwā plateau at Chikhalda when the waters of the Narmada overran all the plains between the Vindhya and the Satpurā ranges below Omkar Mandhātā.
57 201 Sailaja Linga-- Hasta=21 inches or 14 feet and is denoted by'. Angula=24th part of a Hasta and is denoted by". (1) These lingas are primarily nine with the following integral
dimensions 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' and 9' respectively. The prastāra of these lingas in fractional dimensions by the addition of 6' 3" 2" 1" ?" " and }" is given below. (2) An increase of 6 between l' and 2' will give 1' 6': 1' 1211.
1' 18" : i. e. three forms. Similarly between 2 and 3' there will be three forms and so on between 3 and 4'; 4' and 5': 5' and 6' ; 6 and 7' ; 7' and 8'; and 8' and 9".