_cxxix 23 मत्स्यावतार v. 10-11
कृतेऽष्टलक्षसहस्रशताम्देषु गतेघु शताब्यान्ते24 कूर्म v. 6
चतुर्लक्षसहस्रादिशतान्ताब्दे कूते गते वराह v.5 कृताचे समायाते नृसिंह . 5 त्रयोदशलक्षाब्देषु गतेषु च कृते युगे वामन V. 11 रुन्धौ च समनुप्राहे त्रेतायाश्च कृतस्य च परशुराम V. 1 त्रेता) चान्द भायेराम V.7
सन्धौ च समनुप्राप्ते त्रेतायाद्वापरस्य 28 कृष्णावतार V. 1
द्वापरान्ते कलौ युगे सूत्र 29 बुद्ध V. 1
कसौ युगे तु संप्राप्ते Shastri Rewashanker Meghii Delwadaker अध्यापक संस्कृतपाठशाळा, Bombay 4, has contributed an article on the significance etc. of the Ten baits in the Guiarati of 29th Aug. 1937 wherein incidentally he has discussed the chronology of these baarts from a comparative study of several gries. I quote below his observations as they are likely to throw a good light on the similar portions of various सुत्रs of अपराजितपृच्छा which are more or less mutilated. The extracts are as under--
___1 मत्स्यावतार - In घोरकल्प of ब्रह्मा at the time of प्रध्य in चाक्षुषमन्वन्तर or in वैवस्वतमन्वन्तर - beginning from सत्ययुग.
'This अवतार has appeared in the संधि of घोरकल्प and the following 7th अवस्वतमन्वन्तर and yet it is considered to have appeared in घोरकल्प.
2 कूर्म-In the current श्वेतवाराहकल्प, चाक्षुषमन्वन्तर, पत्ययुम. 3 वराह-In the beginning of श्वेतवाराहकल्प. 4 नृसिंह-In the current वैवस्वतमन्यतर, 4th चोकडी. 5 वामन-In the 7th त्रेतायुग of वैवस्वतमन्वन्तर. 6 परशुराम-In the त्रेतायुग of 19th चोकडी of the current वैवस्वतमन्वन्तर.
This अवतार appeared in the संधि of त्रेता and द्वापर. 7 रामचंद्र-वैवस्वतमन्वन्तर, त्रेतायुग of 24th चोकडी ( देवी भागवत ) or according
to भागवत महापुराण in the 28th त्रेतायुग. 8 कृष्ण-In the end of द्वापर, 28th चोकडी of वैवस्वतमन्वन्तर. 9 बुद्ध-In the current कलियुग. 10 कल्की-श्वेतवाराहकल्प, the current वैवस्वत मन्वन्तर, in the end of 28th कलि,