It is just possible that there could be only 12 different arrangements with these four शुद्ध kinds of वितान, if each one were to occupy a lower or upper place in the scleme of construction of $a!2; but as the members of gte under each head of ye are not the same, it is difficult to reconcile this point as the Bufaa is silent as to how these figures are deduced. The names and लक्षणs are, moreover, not shown.
Tust in the case of the said, three kinds of 35 taken together, either in pure or 912 divisions forin a kind of facia which is known as भिन्न e.g. पद्मनाभसभा or सभापद्मनाभ etc. according as पदा, नाभि and सभा, or सभा, पद्म and नाभि occupy the lower intermediate and upper portions of the faara and
(d) when four kinds of fara either go alone or mixed with
संघाट or भिन्न are brought together to form one composite whole, the arrangement is known as उभिन्न e.g. पद्यनाभपभामन्दारक where the पद्यक, नाभि, सभामागे and मन्दारक form the lowermost,
lower, upper and uppermost portions of the tiant. All the faaras taken together run into a number as great as 1113, as will be clear from the divisional classification tabulated as under:Kind पाक
नाभि সামান मन्दारक शुद्ध 64 24
10 संघाट
40 . 200 100
40 उद्भिन्न 200
136 100
....--Grand Total 300
113 1113 To different deities are assigned different वितानs as under - पद्मवितान toall gods and especially to ईश्वर, नाभिच्छेन्द to विष्णु, सभामागे to ब्रह्मन् and मन्दारक to सूर्यः while पद्मनाम, सभापद्य, सभामन्दारक and कमलोदभव are neant for
Idesses पार्वती and others, गणनाय, वीतराग ( including बुद्ध) and सर्वदेव respectively. For every one of the above dcitics, 8 kinds under each one of the above category are mentioned as also their distinctive features. They are as under:
36 48
त्रिपुगन्तक has 8 kinds -पद्म, विकाश, भष्टपत्र, सुकर्णिक, छत्र, नामवीथी, पुष्पक and .
भ्रमरावली. faru has his 8 kinds -नाभ्य, नाभ्युदभव, श्रीवत्स, मालाधर, नन्दाख्य, सूर्योद्भव,
गरुड, and वष्णव, ब्रह्मा has his 8 kinds --कमल, कमलोद्भव, शंखावत, मेघोदर, महापद्म, महाकान्त,
हंस and हंसपक्षक. सूर्य has his 8 kinds -व्योम, व्योमार्क, किरण, व्योमाक्ष, सर्वसुन्दर, मेघच्छत्र,
महाविम्ब and दीप्त. पार्वती, चण्डिका, श्री and other goddesses have their 8 k nds- पद्मनाभ सुगम्भीर, सिंहकर्ण, पताकिन, घण्टानाद, महानाद, तिलक, and सर्वसुन्दरम्.