about 700'21. Similarly Dharmakirti is also placed between 600 and 700 A. D. According to Keith he falls in the seventh century A. D., while Satishchandra would place him about 635-50 A. D So also Scherbatsky. Rahula Samkṛtyāyana is of the opinion that '625 A. C. should be the latest date for DK.' and Mahendrakumar would assign him the period 600660-90 A. D, 22
These considerations drive us to the conclusion that the TPS and Jayarasi cannot be earlier than the seventh century of the Christian Era and as we saw above they cannot be assigned to an age later than that of Vidyanandin and Anantavirya: that is later than about 800 A. D. So we are inclined to put TPS and its author Jayarasi in the eighth century A. D.
The absence of a reference by itself may prove nothing but in a particular context where a certain reference would reasonably be expected its absence may be regarded as significant. TPS while refuting the theory of Pramaņas and incidentally some Prameyas takes cognizance, as we saw, of all the principal schools viz. Mimämsä, Nyaya, Vaiseṣika, Sankhya, Buddhist, Jain, etc., but there is no reference to the Mayavada of Sankaracharya as there is reference to the Samvrti of Madhya makas (pp. 98-100). The only reference to the Vedanta doctrine that one finds, as we also saw, is to the arazzed "hacun which comes after the refutation of Sankhya Kaivalya (p. 81). This conspicuous absence of reference inclines us to the view that Sankaracharya was not known to Jayaräsi probably because he was either prior to him or was his contemporary; because considering the influential character of Sankaracharya's works, if it existed in J's time, his not taking cognizance of it in such a polemical work as TPS would be a puzzle. Now S. who according to Keith 'may have been born in 788, and may have died or become a Sanyasin in 820, at any rate worked c. A. D. 800.'23 If both J. and S. were contemporaries or J. prior to SL it would agree with the conclusion that we have arrived at about the age of J. and may lead us to assign Jayarasi the first half of the seventh century A. D.
His. of S.L. p. 474. See also Karmamimämsä p.11.Satishchandra would put him about 630 A. D. H, I. L. p. 351, and p. 138 f. n. 12, Pt. Mahendrakumar 600-660, Introduction to NKC p. 109, and Akalankagranthatraya p. 32.
22. B. P. p, 308; H. I. L. p. 303; B. L. pp. 31-32; Intro. to Vadanyaya p. vii; Introductions to NKC. p 109 and Intro, to A T. p 32.
23. H. S. L. p. 476