Jain and Buddhist -as we find them developed in their respective works by the ninth century of the Christian Era. We also find that the Māyāvada and the Kevala Advaitavāda as developed by Sankarãchārya are conspicuous by their absence. All this, in itself, however carries us nowhere and it is curious to note that the individual references to authors and works in the TPS are only two. One is to Brhaspati the founder of the Lokāyata school and the other to Laksaņasāra probably a work of Jayarási himself or some one belonging to his school. The other references, as said above, are general. So the only course left open to us is to make an attempt to identify the quotations given in the TPS with the original passages and to try with the help of these identifications to settle the earlier limit of the age of the work.
Of the numerous quotations we have been able to trace only a few. These come from the Mimämsäsutras of laimini, the Vaiseșika Sūtras of Kanada, the Nyayasūtras of Gautama, the Bhasya of Sabara, the Slokavārtika of Kumārila, and the Pramăņavārtika and the Nyāyabiadu of Dharmakirti. Of the two verses noted in the foot-note20 we are able to trace the latter to SV 2 v. 184 and the context requires that the former also must be either from the SV or a similar work of Pūryamiināmsā; but it is not found in the published editions of the SV and strangely cnough is found in the Tattvasangraha of Santarakṣita (kärikā 2895, G. O. S.). The context in the TŞ however shows that it must belong to some Pūrvamimāmsă work-presumably tlie SV of Kumārila-as the Pañjika on the verse in question gives in support a quotation froin Sabarabhasya.
Now if the quotations we have identified cannot be traced to some carlier works, we may, from what we have discussed above, come to the conclusion that the TPS and its author Jayarasi cannot be placed before Kumarilabhatta and Dharmakirti. Now Kumarila is assigned by different scholars to somewhere between 600 A. D. to 700 A, D. He is according to Keith carlier than 838 and 'wrote perhaps
२०. दोषाः सन्ति न सन्तीति पौरुषेयेषु युज्यते ।
वेदे कर्तुरभावात्तु दोषाशद्वैव नास्ति नः ॥ चोदनाजनिता बुद्धिः प्रमाण दोषवर्जितैः । FTCU saatacara feratieglaaa!! TPS. p. 160