(21) Tattvărthasūtralaghuvrtti or Dupadupikā?
This is a com. which elucidates TS and its svopajña Bhasya as well. For some reason or other the entire com., if composed by Haribhadra, is not available. What we have is a composition of at least three persons. The com. at bost up to a portion of VI, 23 (i, e. pp. 1–275) is by Haribhadra. It is named as Dupadupiki. Then the com, beginning with the explanation of vinayasampannaia of this very sütro and ending with that of X, 6 (pp. 275-521) is by Yaśobhadra Süri and the rest by a pupil of this Sīri. Over and above these three, there may be one more commentator who has dealt with some portion which is here roughly assigned to Yaśobhadra Sūri; for, this is what one can infer from the colophon of IX. Anandasāgara Sūri in his Saṁskệta intro. to this edition has advanced ten arguments to prove that a portion up to VI, 23 comes from the pen of Haribhadra. Of them arguments 1, 3,7 and 9 are sound; the rest are not so very conclusive. According to the statement of Yaśobhadra Sūri's pupil on p. 521 Gandhahastins Siddhasena is a commentator posterior to Haribhadra. This gets corroborated by the following line occurring in Siddhasena Sūri's com. (p. 338a) on Parayan sāruddhara:
"तथा च तत्त्वार्थमूलटीकायां हरिभद्रसूरिः". Strange to say, the following line occurring in Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 19a) on Khettasamāsa goes against it:
"art aratefacili 7792 Aarau taiateht ghat I" Such being the case, the question of priority of Haribhadra over Gandhahastin remains undecided. But this much is certain that the latter has not come across the com. of the former. Otherwise how is it that he is silent about the reading of the
I This may remind one of Kumārila's Tup-tikā on sabarabhāsya. 3 "efaatan (R) faisto pygar Fat !
तत्त्वार्थस्य हि टीका जडकायार्जना धृता यात्यां नृद्धृता (० यर्जुन्नोद्धृताऽन्त्यार्धा)॥१॥ हरिभद्राचार्येणारब्धा विवृतार्थषडध्यायांश्च ।।
पूज्यः पुनरुद्धृतेयं तत्त्वार्थास्य टीकान्त्या ॥ २॥ इति । एतदुक्तं भवति-हरिभद्राचार्येणार्द्धषण्णामध्यायानामाद्यानां टीका कृता, भगवता तु
गन्धहस्तिना सिद्धसेनेन नव्या कृता तत्त्वार्थटीका, नव्यैर्वादिस्थानाकुला तस्या एवं शेषमुद्धृत
चाचायण, (शेष मया) वबोधार्थम् , साऽन्यन्तगुवीं च दुपडुपिका निष्पन्नेत्यलं प्रसङ्गेन । 3 In his com. (p. 181) on TS (II, 28) he has referred to Nirukla