INTRODUCTION which starts by noting its varieties on the lines suggested in Viāhapannatti (VII, 1; s. 262), Dasaveyaliya (IV, v. 1 & 8), etc., and chalked out in Viseső (v. 1763-1768). Such an exposition seems to be a unique conception of the Jainas.
In the avacūri there are quotations. On p. 3 we havo five verses dealing with meditation and five treating hissa. On p. 4 a verse from Anuyogadväravrtti is quoted. A portion from Vidhapannatti and some verses from Dasaveyāliya are cited on p. 5 and a verse from Süyagada on p. 6. Sunda and Upasunda are mentioned on p. 7. The fifth verse quoted on p. 3 is cited once more on p. 8, and here it is attributed to Hemacandra. He must be some other than those who Hourislied after Haribliadra; if not, it must be an interpolation. Otherwise this will raise a doubt about the avacūri being svopajia. The editor seems to take it to be svojajña as can be seen from the title "aras: SATA PERHaffat: gotta alasi ATEH". Further, the following colophon supportes this surmise :
"इति श्रीहिंसाष्टकावचरिर्मुख्यतश्चतुर्भशीभावनभेदव्याख्यानेन कृता श्रीहरिभद्रसूरिभिः। सं. १८८६ श्रावणमासे कृष्णपक्षे द्वादशीतिथौ कुजवासरे ले. जीवणविजयजीगणिः । इति तत्वतः श्रीहरिभद्रसूरिभिर्विरचितं हिंसाष्टकप्रकरणं समाप्तमिदम्."
Commentaries on works of others That Haribhadra is an erudite scholar is borne out by the fact that not only has he composed original treatises but expository ones as well. The latter are known as commentaries. They can be divided into two groups according as they elucidate his own works of those of others. In the former case they are styled as scopujñü cumminentaries the origin of which is discussed by me elsewhere. As regards the rest we can have two subgroups: (i) those dealing with the Jainc works and (ii) the com. elucidating the non-Jaina one. The contents etc., of the svopajña commentaries are already noted along with those of the corresponding original treatises. So I shall here deal with the second group and its two sub-groups. This second group includes Samskřtá conmentaries on the following:
intro. (pp. 30-35), Ärhata darśana dipikā (pp. 835–849 & 858-875)