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देवेन्द्रार्योऽप्रसादी परमगुणमहारत्नदोऽकिचनेशः । - तच्चातच्चेतिवक्ता नवितथवचनो योगिनां भावगर्भ
__ ध्येयोऽनङ्गश्च सिद्धर्जयति चिरगतो मार्गदेशी जिनेन्द्रः ॥1 The purpose of composing Sarvajñasiddhi is dilated upon in v. 2-9. Verses 10-21 state the arguments usually advanced by those who do not admit an onniscient being. These are refuted in prose passages followed by 23 verses. Then we have a proso passage and then again 22 verses. In the last verse we have the word viraħa'. The svopajvice coin. is so far unpublished.
(87) Syādvädakucodya parihāra This work is twice referred to in AJP (Vol. I, pp. 279 & 296). Its name suggests that it must be a refutation of allegations against syödvāda i. e. anckäntavāda. The particular point which is here refuted is the view (p. 20) about sūmanya of those non-Jainas who hold it to be one, permanent, indivisible etc. This point is dealt with, in some other work or works, too, as is suggested by the word 'adi' occurring in PECFyftariat. What this work or works are is a matter of surmise.
(88 & 89) Himsāştaka and its svopajña avacūri ... This is a small work in eight verses in Samskrta. It is not a part and parcel of Astaka. It is referred to, by Haribhadra in his com. (P. 21b) on Dasaveyāliya. In the avacúri composed by the author hiinself there is an exposition of loiriistī (violence)
This may remind one of tho following porse which, tow, furnishes us with an example of anekäntavāda :
"परब्रह्माकारं सकलजगदाकाररहितं
सरूपं नीरूपं सगुणमगुणं निविभुविभुम् । विभिन्न सम्भिन्नं विगतमनसं साधुमनसं
पुराणं नव्यं चाविदयमधीशं प्रणिधे॥" This name may remind one of the three Bauddha works two of which are each named as Sarvajñasiddhikarika and the third as Sarvajñasiddhisanksepa. From the intro. (p. 9) and Appendix F (pp. XVIII-XIX) of Vūdanyāya we learn: Kalyānarakṣila (700 A. D.) is the author of Sarrajñasiddhikarika, and he is the teacher of Dharmotlara (vido Bu-ston's History of Buddhism ut. II, p. 154). Ratnakirti, too, has composed Sarvajñasiddhikärikā. The third work is by Sankaranandana. Ser Süyagado (I, 1, , 9-10;?, 11, 9, 10; 1, 8, 3; IT, 5, 6), Uvaësara. hassa (P. 42), Jñanabindu" (p. 7, Singi Jaio Series) and its Hindi