I (i) Anuogaddāra, (ii) Āvassaya, (iii) Onanijjutti, (iv) Ceżyavandanasutta, (v) Jambuddivapannatti, (vi) Jivājīvábhigama, (vii) Dasaveyaliya, (viii). Nandi, (ix) Nyāyāvatāra, (*) Pañcasuttaga, (xi) Panncorana, (xii) Pindanijjutti and (xiii) Vaggakevaliyasutta.
II (i) Nyāyapravesaka.
The first sub-group consists of agamas, Nos. IX, X and XIII being the exceptions. So I shall, first of all, say a few words about the Saṁskyta commentaries on ūganas.
Several agamas were cominented upon in olden days. These commentarics seem to have been composed in Parya as could be inferred from the available commentaries like Nijjutti, Bhāsa and Cunnis. The carliest attempt of writing Samskệta commentarios on agamas seems to have been made by Haribhadra; for, up till now no Samskrta com. earlier than that of his has been discovered. While composing a Saṁskrta com. lie has reproduced the Pāïya stories and passages from Cunnis. Silānka Süri who fourished a century after him, gives as it were the Samskrta rendering of such Päïya stories.
(1) Anuyogadväravivrti' or S'işyahita
This is a com. on Anuogaddāra, a Jaina agama. It is named as S'isyahita. On its page 2 there is mention of Nandyadhyayanatiklī, on p. 22 that of Nandivisesavivarana and on p. 100 that of Nandyadhyayanaviseşaviraranat. I think all these three names denote the same work. This Sisyalita is written by Haribhadra after he had composed a con. on Nandi wliere he has expounded the topics noted on pp. 2 and 100. On p. 22 Avasyakavivarana is referred to. This seems to be Haribhadra's work. The actual numbers denoted by tudiyanyu to sīsapaheliyā ure mentioned in Païya on pp. 55-57. Squares of two etc. are evaluated in Pāiya in verse on pp. 94-96. Differences of opinion are noted here and there (see pp. 17, 21, 38 etc.), and in one case (vide p. 38) Haribhadra says that he does not properly understand it as it is very deep (in meaning). On p, 66 we have:
1 This has been published in 1928 A. D. by R. K. Samsthā, Rutlam. 2 It seems that other Jaina commentators who have uamed their bom,
as Sisyahitā are indebted to Haribhadra for this name.