With these words about the plan of this work I shall now say a few words about the various materials utilized in preparing this edition. Out of them, two are printed ones, and they are here designated as ga and gha. The ist is solely a text published by the late Sheth Mansukhbhai Bhagubhai of Ahmedabad, whereas the 2nd, by the Yas'ovijaya Jaina Granthamälă, Bhavanagar. The latter contains the text of the Ist 3 chapters along with a small portion of the 4th, accompanied by the corresponding commentary of the author.
As regards the remaining materials, it may be mentioned that they are manuscripts and are here noted as ka, kha, ra and ca. Ka is a press.copy prepared by Mr. Motilal Ladhaji (now a Jaina Sadhu). It comprises pp. 1--533 wherein are given the text, its commentary and its supercommentary. It has been used by me as a basis for preparing my edition.
The MS. designated as kha deals with only the supercommentary. It belongs to the Mohanlalji sain Central Library, Bombay and was procured for me by Babusaheb Bhagwanlal Pannalal, a multi-millionaire of Bombay, for which I thank him. It is an undated MS. containing 35 folios having 16 lines on each page with about 50 letters in each line. It is written in a fairly legible and big hand-writing. Its borders are ruled in 3 lines and its edges in 1, in red ink. Yellow pigment is profusely used. Though it is thus revised by some. body, it is not only not free from errors but even in several places, lines are missing. Nevertheless, it has been helpful to me in the preparation of my edition as the supercommentary in ka required many an emendation. But my difficulty in this connection got mostly removed only when I got the MS. ca from Mr. Kumvarji Anandji of Bhavnagar. It has been utilized throughout.
The MS. (101" X 5%") designatad as ra is written on country paper as is the case with the MSS. kha and ca. It is written in Jaina Nagari characters as usual. It consists of 175 folios with 17 lines on each page having about 45 letters in each line. Folio 1a is blank and so is the case with fol. 175 and fol. 175°. This M$. seems to have been read and corrected
1 So far as I know, none of these is available to the public,