It was on the 9th January 1935 that I received an invitation from the Government of Baroda, through its Oriental Institute to edit this work Anekāntajayapatākā along with the author's own commentary and Municandra Sūri's supercommentary, I immediately accepted this invitation with great pleasure. It eventually led to this work being entrusted for printing to the Nirnaya Sagar Press which commenced it in June 1936. The printing has taken a pretty long time. This is due to several causes, the chief of them being the intricate and irksome nature of the work inasmuch as it was neccessary to present on one and the same page the corresponding portion of the text along with the pertinent ones from the two commentaries duly accompanied by their foot-notes. As regards the other causes, I may, by way of a passing reference, mention my shifting from Bombay and settling here in Surat, my indifferent health and the want of sufficient time owing to the college-work etc. Seeing that at this rate, the work will require at least a year more to complete it, I requested the Director of the Oriental Institute to issue it in two Volumes. I take this opportunity of thanking him for having complied with my request.
It has been my desire from the very beginning I undertook this monumental work to furnish it with a critical intro. duction and therein to mainly deal with the following topics:
() A comprehensive history of anekāntavādu which is the key-note of the present work.
(ü) The survey of Anekāntajayapatākā and its commentaries.
(ii) The life and works of Haribhadra Sûri and those of Municandra Sūri, too.
Accordingly, I have done spade-work in this direction and I have utilized it here to the extent I could and the rest I have reserved for Volume II.
I may add that at the end of Volume II, I wish to give notes and also an alphabetical index of quotations with their sources as far as they canbe traced,