If this date is accepted, it will not come in conflict with the view held by some that Haribhadra Súri has reproduced in his commentary on Nandi certain lines from Jinadāsa Gani Mahattara's Nandicunni which the latter completed in Saka Samyat 5983 (i, e. Vikrama Samvat 733).
While concluding this topic, I may note that Pandit Kailas'acandra observes in his Hindi prastāvanā (p. 78 ) of Nyāyakunudacandrodaya (Vol. I) that Haribhadra Sūri has been influenced by Akalanka; for, pp. 2028 and 122% of Anekantajayapataki bear the stamp of Rājavārtika (p. 39), and Astasati (expounded in Astasahasri, p. 119) respectively. He adds that the expression "31FMETIMITAR āated 97:” occurring in Anekāntajayapatikā (p. 253 ) specifically refers to the nyāya of Akalanka. This is not the place to discuss or dispute this view. So I shall simply say that Pandit Sukhlal has observed as under in his prākkathana (p. 10) of Akalarikatraya:"हरिभद्र की कृतियों में अभीतक ऐसा कोइ उल्लेख नहीं पाया गया जो निर्विवादरूपसे हरिभद्र के द्वारा अकलंक की कृतियों के अवगाहन का सूचक हो।"
With these words abont the date of Haribhadra Sūri, I shall now take up the question of our author being a polygraph. This can be inferred from the following points :
So the work of an ordinary Pandit was not likely to reach the hands of scholars in distant parts of the country. But it should not be forgotten that it was more or lcss & practice that whenever any one attained extra-ordinary scholarship, he used to go from one place to another for polemic discussions with his rivals, and that several copies of his master-piece were prepared and sent to various libraries and competent scholars throughout the length and breadth of the country. Consequently there is no wonder, if a work of Santaraksita reached his contemporary
Haribhadra Süri. 1 For instance see Nanclicunni (p. 8) and Harìbhadra's com. (pp.
17-18) on the 33rd verse of the Theravali occurring in Nandi. 2 See D. C. J. M. (Vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 299 ).
3-5 These pages refer to the edition published by Yas'ovijays · Jaina Granthamālā. So those can be equated with pp. 224, 140 and 275 of
this edition of mine,