Upamitibhavaprapancākathā itself that Siddha Rşi neither saw nor came into contact with Haribhadra; otherwise, why should he use the phrase 'anāgata' in the following verse of the colophon of this same work?
"अनागतं परिज्ञाय चैत्यवन्दनसंश्रया।
मदथैव कृता येन वृत्तिललितविस्तरा ॥ १७ ॥" Moreover, the following verse occurring in Municandra Sūri's paijika to Lalitavistarī seems to support this view.
“यां बुद्ध्वा किल सिद्धसाधुरखिलव्याख्यातचूडामणिः
सम्बुद्धः सुगतप्रणीतसमयाभ्यासाचलचेतनः । यत्कर्तुः खकृतौ पुनर्गुरुतया चक्रे नमस्यामसौ
___ को ह्येनां विवृणोतु नाम विवृति स्मृत्यै तथाऽप्यात्मनः ॥" Consequently the phrase 'dharmabodhakaro guruh' appears to have been used to imply that Haribhadra was indirectly a guru' of Siddha Rşi, inasmuch as his work, most probably Lalitavistară, could give him the correct idea about dharma, This leads us to infer that there is a gap of at least one century or so between Siddha Kși and his predecessor Haribhadra Sūri. Under these circumstances, I am tempted to believe that the statement in Prabhavalacaritra is not reliable, and there may be a slip there, especially in view of the fact that this work is partly based upon guruparamparc, etc.
Taking the date of the composition of Kuvalayamila as valid and noticing in its colophon the indebtedness of its author Uddyotana to Haribhadra regarding the study of logic etc., I am inclined to endorse the view of Jinavijaya and that of Prof. Jacobi that Haribhadra's life-period is about Samvat 757 to 827.3
1 As a parallel example, it may be montioned that Manikyasekhara
Sūri in his l'indaniryuktidīpiku speaks of Malayagiri Suri as liis yuru though he is not actually so, Sce D. C. J.J. (Vol. XVII, pt. III, p. 488). The date of Santaraksita is practically Samvat 761 to 818 onwards. So a quostion may be raised as to the possibility of Šantaraksita's work or works being accessible to Haribhadra. The answer can be given as follows:
It is true that in ancient times India had not the modern means for rapid circulation such as a press, a nows-paper, railway otc