(2) Geschichte der Indischen Litteratur (Vol. II) by Dr. M. Winternitz.
(G) Italian
(1-4) Journal of the Italian Asiatic society (Vols. 18 to 21).
Life of Haribhadra Sūri-From the concluding portion of S'isyahita' we can say for certain that Haribhadra Sūri was Svetambara, that he belonged to Vidyadhara kula, the then head of its being Jinabhata, that his dikṣāguru was Jinadatta Suri, and that he looked upon Yakini Mahattara as his dharmajananī (god-mother).
According to Kahavali he was a resident of Brahmapuri belonging to Pirvagui district or so.3 His father's name was Sankara Bhatta, while that of his mother, Ganga.
From Prabhavakacaritra (p. 105) we learn that Haribhadra* was very learned; so he had made up his mind to be a disciple of one whose words he might fail to understand. Once it so happened that he heard Yakini Mahattara reciting the verse commencing with cakkidugam. He could not guess its meaning. So he asked her to explain it to him. Thereupon she took him to Jinadatta Suri who fully explained to him the verse. When Haribhadra informed him about his pratija, he advised him to be
1 Sec D. C. J. M. (Vol. XVII, pt. III, p. 430).
It is true that in Haribhadra's commentary to Pannavanā it is stated by him that he is a pupil of Jinabhata. But this should not be construed to mean that Jinabhata was his dikṣa-guru. For, in the colophon (v. 3) of Samarāiccakahā, it is clearly mentioned by our author himself that he is a part (avayava) of Jinadatta Acārya.
3 According to other sources, he belonged to Citrakūta.
This is the name of a Bauddha scholar, too. He has composed Abhisamayalankaravaloka. See "Predignaga Buddhist text on Logic from Chinese Sources" (G. O. S. Vol. XLIX, introduction XVII n and xxv n) and His. of Ind. Lit. (Vol. II, p. 354n.). 5 The complete verse occurs in Avassayanijjutti as under: "चकिदुगं हरिपणगं पण चक्कीण केसवो चक्की
केस चक्की केसव दु चक्की केली अ चक्की य ॥ ४२१ ।। "