(2) Pandit
Kailasacandra's prastāvanā (p. 78) to Vol. I of Nyayakumudacandrodaya (A. D. 1938).
(3) Pandit Sukhlal's prākkathana (p. 10) to Akalankatraya (A. D. 1939).
(4) Pandit Sukhlal's paricaya (pp. 47-54) to Tattvārthasutra (Samvat 1996).
(E) English
(1) A Fourth Report of Operations in Search of Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Circle, April 1886 to March 1892 by Prof. P. Peterson.
(2) An article in Indian Antiquary by J. Klatt.
(2) Dignaga's Nyāyapravesa and Haribhadra's commentary on it by N. Mironow ('A. D. 1911?)
(4) Introduction
(5) A History of Indian Logic (pp. 152, 154, 160 fn. 6, 206 fo. 4 and 208 fn.) by Mahāmahopadhyāya Satis Chandra Vidyabhusana (A. D. 1921).
H. Jacobi.
(6) Introduction (pp. 1-XVIII) to Samarūiccakaha3 by H. Jacobi (A. D. 1926).
(7) A History of Indian Literature (Vol. II, pp. 465n., 470n., 479f., 485, 488, 489n., 507, 511, 512n., 519f., 522f., 526f., 528n., 532, 535f., 561, 574, 579, 583, 584n., 589 and 594n.) by Dr. Maurice Winternitz (A. D. 1933).
(F) German
(1) Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (Vol. XL, p. 94).
1 See Jaina s'asana (the special issue for Divali, Vira Samvat 2438, p. 133).
2 Published in the Bibliotheca Indica ( Asiatic Society of Bengal). 3 Hercin the late Dr. Prof. Hermann Jacobi has given a summary of the life of Haribhadra Süri based upon Prabhavakacaritra and Caturvinisatiprabandha. The Gujarati translation of this introduction has been published in Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka (Vol. III, No. 3, pp. 282-294).