488 Jinabhadra dani's
[The eleventh entirely vanish when ring etc. are destroyed When the māraka paryayas of samsāra are destroyed, jîva vanishes as a samsāri and comes into existsnce as the paryāya of mokşa e. & in case of gold, when one paryaya, sayaring, is destroyed, another par. yaya, say an ear-ring. is produced.
Prabhāsa: But like samsāra, jiva will also have to vanish with Karma, and hence, there will be nothing like moksa.
____ Bhagavāna:-It is not so, Samsāra is generated by means of Karma, and hence it would vanish with Karma. But, jivat va being at work from times immemorial, cannot be called Karma janya. So, jiva will not vanish Karına, since Karma is neither the cause of jivatva, nor is it invariably concomitant with jivatva. ॥ 431- 432 ।। ( 1979-1980 )
न विगाराणुवलंमादागासं पिवं विणासधम्मो सो। इह नासिणो विगारो दीसइ कुंभस्स वाऽवयवा ॥४३३।। (१९८१) Na vigārāņuvalambhādāgāsam piva viņāsadhammo so I Iha nāsiņo vigāro disai kumbhassa vā'vayavā 11 433 11 ( 1981) [न विकारानुपलम्भादाकाशमिव विनाशधर्मा सः ।
इह नाशिनो विकारो दृश्यते कुम्भस्येवावयवाः ॥ ४३३ ॥ (१९८१) Na vikarānupalambhädakāśamiva vināšadharmā sah lha nasino vikāro drisyate kumbhasyévāvayavah || 433 ॥ ( 1981)]
___Trans.-433. It ( it. jiva ) is immortal, like sky, on account of the non-apprehension of changes. In case of a destructive ( object'), a change is visible like the (various) parts of a ghata
( 1981
टीका-न विनाशवर्मा जीव इति प्रतिज्ञा । विकारानुपलम्मादिति हेतुः। इह यो विनांशी तस्य विकारो दृश्यते, यथा मुद्रादिध्वस्तस्य कुम्भस्यं कपाळलक्षणा अवयवाः; अस्त्वविनाशी न तस्य विकारदर्शनम् , यथाss
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