466 Jinabhadra Gani's
[The tenth number, by virtue of its different characteristics Like ghata pata etc, the Soul has various forms on account of various laksanas such as rāga, dvesa, kasāya etc. Secondly, Soul is not all-pervading, but it pervadas the body alone. Thirdly, ber cause it is the enjoyer like Pévadatta, it is not nişkriya. Thus, like Indrabhūti, † you, too, shall have jo admit 1:4091 (1957)
In reply to the argument that the existence of para-loka is denied because of the divine and hellish beings being a-pratyaksa, the author states---
इहलोगाओ य परो सोम्म! सुरा नारगा य परलोओ। पडिवज मोरिआ-ऽकंपिउ व्व विहियप्पमागाओ ।। ४१० ।। (१९५८) lhalog&ö ya paro Somma ! surā nāragā ya paralöö ! Padivajja Moriā—'kampiu vva vihiyappamāṇāö 141011 (1058)
[इहलोकाश्च परः सौम्य ! सुरा नारकाश्च परलोकः ।
पतिपद्यस्व मौर्या-ऽकम्पिताविव विहितप्रमाणात् ।। ४१० ॥ (१९५८) Ihalokācca paraḥ Saumya | sură nārakāsca paralokah! Pratipadyasya Maurya’kampitāviva vihitapramāṇāt 14101 (1958)]
Trans.--410 Believe the world other than this, O Saumya ! to be that of gods and Nārakas on account of evidences that have been advanced (in case) of Maurya and Akampita.* (1958)
The opponent will argue at this poini thatजीवो विण्णाणमओ ते चाणि ति तो न परलोगो। अह विगाणादण्णो तो अणभिण्णा जहागासं ॥ ४११ ॥ (१९५९) इत्तो चिय न स कत्ता भोत्ता य अओ वि नत्थि परलोगो। जं च न संसारी सो अण्णाणा-ऽमुसिओ खं व ॥ ४१२ ।। (१९६०) + Vide Chapter I * Vide chapters VII and VIJI
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