408 Jinabhadra Gani's
[ The ninett. Trans --358 He was then, addressed by his name and lineage, by the Tirthankara who was entirely free from birth, old age, and death, who was omniscient, and who had complete darsana ( undifferentiated knowledge. ) ( 1906)
The Tirthankara, thell, saidकिं मण्णे पुण्ण-पाचे अस्थि नत्थि त्ति संसओ तुज्झं। वेयपयाण य अत्थं न याणसी तेसिमो अत्थो ।। ३५९ ॥ (१९०७) Kim manné Puņņa-pātti atthi natthi saņsai tujjhami Véyapayāņa ya attham na yāṇasi tésimo attho 1135911 (1907) [किं मन्यसे पुण्य-पापे स्तो न स्त इति संशयस्तव ।
वेदपदानां चार्थ न जानासि तेषामयमर्थः ।। ३५९ ॥ (१९०७)
Kim manyasé Punya-pāpé sto na sta iti samsayastava Védapadārām cărtham na jānāsi teşāmayamarthaḥ 1135911 (1907)]
Trans.-359 What are you thinking about? You entertain the doubt as to whether the denizens of hell exist or not. But (ca) you have not understood the real meaning of the sentences of the Védas. Here is their (real) interpretation. (1907)
टीका-हे आयुष्मनचलभ्रातः ! त्वमेवं मन्यसे-किं पुण्य-पापे स्तो न वा ? इति । अयं चानुचितः संशयः, यस्माद् विरुद्धवेदपदनिबन्धनो विरुद्धदर्शनश्रुतिनिबन्धनश्च तव वर्तते । पत्र वेदपदानि तावत्-"पुरुष एवेदं ग्नि सर्वम् -इत्यादि यथा द्वितीयगणधरे तथा वाच्यानि । तेषां चार्थ त्वं न जानासीत्याधपि तथैव व्याख्येयमिति ॥ ३५९ ॥ (१९०७)
D. C.-Your doubt about the existence of punya and bapa is not justified. It is based on your hearing the sentence of Védas bearing contradictory senses. The sentences are such as “ Purusa évécran gnim sarvam” etc. which have already been mentioned in the Second Gandharavāda. You have not grasped the real interpretation of those sentences. I therefore, give their real interpretation, as under:- ॥ 359 ( 1907 ) ॥
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