Vida ] Capadharavāda
387 प्रभृतयो याविशेषा मन्तव्याः । सयूपो या एव हि ऋतुरुच्यते, यूपरहिवस्तु दानादिक्रियायुक्तो यह इति । स्वः-स्वर्गः, तत्र राज्यानि । जयति-- उपायतीत्यर्थ इति । तथा, मन्त्रैरिन्द्रादीनामाहानं देवास्तित्व एवोपपंचते, अन्यथा उयैव स्वात् । इन्द्रादीनां मन्त्रपदैरानमेवमवगन्तव्यम्"इन्द्र ! आगच्छ मेघातिये मेषवृषण" इत्यादि । तस्माद् युक्तितो वेदवाक्येभ्यच “सन्ति देवा" इति स्थितम् । तदेवं छिनो मौर्यपुत्रस्य भगवता संशयः ॥ ३३५ ॥ (१८८३)
D. C-It has been laid down in the Sastras that----
• Uktha sodasz prabhțiti kralubhir yathašruti Yama-SomaSurya-Suragure-svarajyani jayati " etc. Sentences like this, lead to prove the existence of gods. But they would prove themselves good-for-nothing, if the existence of gods is denied.
Similarly, the invocation of gods such as Indra etc. by means of mantrus, which indicate the existence of gods, would also become futile if there were dévābhīva. The sentences of the l'édas establish the existence of gods in one way or the other. 1 335 ॥ ( 1883 ). The doubt of Mauryaputra is thus removed by the preceptor. छिन्मम्मि संसयम्मी जिणेण जर-मरणविप्पमुकेणं ।
सो समणो पन्चइओ अदुहेहि सह खंडियसएहिं ॥ ३३६ ॥ (१८८४) Chinnammi samsayammi Jipeņa jara-maraqavippamukképami So samano pavvaiö addhutthéhim saha khandiyasashim 133611 [छिन्ने संशये जिनेन जरा-मरणविममुक्तेन ।
स श्रमणः प्रव्रजितोऽर्धचतुर्थैः सह खण्डिकशतैः ॥ ३३६ ॥ (१८८४) Chinné samsayé Jinèna jară-maranavipramukténa, Sa sramagaḥ pravrajito'rdha caturthail saha khandikašataiḥ 113361
Trons.---336 When doubt was removed by the Tisthankara who was entirely free from old age, and death, that saint accepted dikşā along with his three hundred and fifty pupils. (1884) End of the Discussion with the Seventh Ganadhara,
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