means of "
s'arira, is meant; while by a-sariram vā etc. mokṣa characterized by the removal of entire sa îra is laid down.
Finally, you have apprehended sentences such as sa éṣa viguņo vibhurna bhdhyate etc. to support the abhāva of bandha mokṣa to the mundane soul. But that is not correct. Those sentences are referring to the free soul. Attributes such as Il 25 never bound" etc. are directed to nothing but the muktātmā.
Thus, the doubts are removed from the mind of Maṇḍıka, || 313-314 | (1861-1862 )]
förfin áægni faðm ar-arofarqgekor | dì amoi qzagen ergiâft az difenagfe 11224|| (P<§3)
Chinnammi samsayammi jinéŋa jara maraņa vippamukkenam | So samaņo pavvāio addhuṭṭhihi saha khandiyasaéhim ||315||(1863)
[ छिन्ने संशये जिनेन जरा - मरणविप्रमुक्तन ।
स श्रमणः पव्रजितोऽर्घचतुर्थः सह खण्डिकशतैः ॥ ३१५ ॥ ( १८५६ )
Chinné samśayé jinena jara-maraņa vipramuktena Į Sa śramayah pravrajito'rdha caturthaih saha khanḍikasatah 131511
Trans-315 When the doubt was removed by the Tirthankara, who was entirely free from old age and death, that saint accepted the Dikṣā along with his four hundred and fifty followers. (1863)
End of the Discussion with the Sixth Gaŋadhara.
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