Vada ] Ganadharavāda
359 "सिद्धस्य स्थानम्" इतीयं कर्तरिषष्ठी। ततश्च “ सिदस्य स्थानम् " इति कोऽर्थ ?-सिद्धस्तिष्ठति, न तु तदर्थान्तरभूतस्थानमस्तीति ॥ ३०८ ॥ (१८५६ ) ॥
___D C..--Mandika:--Sthana means place of location So, when the place of location of a sildha being is accepted as existing, the characteristic of falling from that place, should also be attributed to it as in the case of Dévadotter or a fruit falling from the sunimit of a mountain or tree, as the case may be. Everything is bound to fall from the place of its location and suddha is no exception to it.
Bhagavāna: -It is not so. The phrase " Siddhasya sthānam" shows that the words Siditha " is in the Genitive case used in the Nominative sense, “ Sıdılhasya sthānam " means, therefore, the place where Siddhz resides, but it is not different from Sitthali 308 ।। (1856)।
नहनिच्चत्तणओ वा थाणविणासपयाणं न जुत्तं से । तह कम्माभावाओ पुणाक्रियाभावओ वा वि ॥ ३०९ ॥ (१८५७) Nahaniccattajao vā thāņaviņāsapayāņam na juttam se Taha kam mābhāvāö punnakkiyābhāvaö vă vi ll 306 !! ( 1857 )
[नभोनित्यत्वतो वा स्थानविनाशपतनं न युक्तं तस्य । ___ तथा कर्माभावात पुनः क्रियाभावतो वापि ॥ ३०० ।। ( १८५७ ) Nabhonityatvato vā sthānavināśapatanam na yuktam tasyai Tatha karmabhavat puuan kriyābhāvato vapi || 309 ॥ ( 1857)"
___Trans. -309 Neither destruction nor its : falling from the place of its location, is possible on account of its being nilya like ākāsa, as well as, due to the absence of kriyā or even for want of Karm.. ( 1857 )
टीका-अर्थान्तरलेऽपि स्थानस्य न पतनं सिद्रस्य, यतोऽस्त्यर्थान्तर
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