272 Jinabhadra Gani's
[The fourth Aghnannapi khalu himsro duştatvato mato'bhimara iva i Bādhamāno nāpi himsraḥ śuddhatvato yathā vaidyaḥ 11 216 11 ]
Trans.-215-216 One who is destructive, is not (necessarily) murderous, and one who is not destructive, is not certainly non. violent Nor is one having little givı a-himsaka and one that is packed with jîvas accepted as himsaka. Por, one is murderous, like a hunter, on accouut of his wicked motive even without killing; while another afflicting others with a good purpose, like a physician, is not murderous. (1J63-1764 .
टीका-न हि "घातकः” इत्येतावता हिंसः न चानमपि निश्चयनयमतेनाहिसः, नापि “विरल जीवम्" इत्येता मात्रेणाहिंस्रः, न चापि “जीवधनम्" इत्येतावता च हिंस्र इति। किं तर्हि ? अमिमरो गजादिघातका स इत्र दुष्टाध्यवसायोऽननपि हिंस्रो मतः। बाधमानोऽपि च शुद्धपरिणामो न हिंस्रो यथा वैद्यः, इति घनप्यहिंस्त्रः, अननपि च हिंस्र उक्तः ॥ २१५२१६ ॥ (१७६३-१७६४)।
D). C- The point is that one committing actual hiņasü is not hiņsaka, because of his good motive as in the case of a physician, while another, not actually committing himsī but having wicked purpose, is himsaka like a hunter,
पंचसमिओ तिगुत्तो नाणी अविहिंसओ न विवरीओ। होउ व संपत्ती से मा वा जीवोवरोहेणं ॥ २१७ ॥ (१७६५) Pancasamio tigutto pāņi avihimsao na vivario 1 Hiu va sampatti se ma jivovarohenam || 217॥ (1765) [पञ्चसमितस्त्रिगुप्तो ज्ञान्यविहिंसको न विपरीतः । भवतु वा संपत्तिस्तस्य मा वा जीवोपरोधेन ॥ २१७॥ (१७६५)
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