Ganadharavāda टीका-भौममम्भः सचेतनमुक्तम्, क्षतभूमिसजातीयस्वाभाविकस्य तस्य संभवात्, ददुरवत् । अथवा, सचेतनमन्तरिक्षमम्भः, अनादिविकारस्वभावसभूतपातात, मत्स्यवदिति ॥२०९॥ (१७५७)॥
D. C.- Water springing from earth when dug out of it, is sa-cétana like a frog; or, that which falls from the sky as natural rains, is also called sa-cétana, since it comes from vikāras like clouds etc.
Fire, as well as wind, can also be taken as sa-cétana in this way :
अपरप्पेरितिरियानियमियदिग्गमणोऽनिलो गो व्व । अनलो आहाराओ विद्धि-विगारोवलम्भाओ॥ २१॥ (१७५८) Aparapperiyāniyamiya diggamanao’ņilo go wa i Analo ahārāö viddhi-vigārovalambhāö 11 210 11 (1758) [अपरपेरिवतियंगनियमितदिग्गमनतोऽनिलो गौरिव ।
अनल आहाराद् द्धि--विकारोपलम्भात् ।।२१०॥ (१७५८) Aparapréritatiryganiyamitadiggamanato'nilo gauriva | Anala āhārād vriddhi-vikāropalambhāt 1 21011 (1758)]
Trans.-210 Wind is (alive) like a cow on account of its moving to and fro in various directions without being impelled by others. Fire is sa-cetanu because it has attained growth as well as a variety of forms by means of food. (1758)
टीका--सात्मको वायुः, अपरप्रेरिततिर्यगनियमितदिग्गमनात्, गोवत् । यथा, सात्मकं तेजः, आहारोपादानात्, तद्वृद्धौ विकारविशेषोपळम्माव, नरवत् । गाथाबन्धानुलोम्याच्च, नरवत् । गाथाबन्धानुलोम्याच व्यत्ययेनोपन्यास इति ॥२१०॥ (१७५८)
D. C.-Wind has life as it moves in all directions without the help of any external agency. Fire is also sa-jira as it is able to grow and manifest various forms by the help of āhāra. -
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