262 Jinabhadra Gaņis
[The fourth Trans:-204 (The opponent may ask How are they animate? (The answer is,-Bhibas ending at vityu are animate on account of (their possessing) that characteristic. The sky being incorporeal by itself is merely a support, (and hence) it is not animate
टीका-कथं पुनः सह जीवेन वर्तन्त इति सजीवानि भूतानि ? इति परस्य मतिः स्यात् । अत्रोच्यते-तस्य जीवस्य लिङ्ग तल्लिङ्गं तस्मात् तदुपलब्बेरित्यर्थः, सचेतनान्यनिळावसानानि चत्वारि भूतानि । व्योम-आकाशं पुनर्विगतमूर्तिभावमाधारण एव, न तु सजीवमिति ॥२०४॥ (१७५२)
D. C. Vyakta :-How are the bhaitas sajiva as they exist along with jiva?
The Ācārya. ---Prihvî jalu, agne and vāyu are sajiva because they possess the characteristics of siva. But the sky is not sajiva since it is a-miirta and hence it acts merely as an adhāra.
The living characteristic of prithvî can be laid down as
जम्म-जरा-जीवण-मरण-रोहणा-हार-दोहला-मयओ। राग-तिगिच्छाईहि य नारि व्व सचेयणा तरवो ॥ २०५ ॥ (१७५३)
Janma-jara-jivana-marapa-rohana-hāra-dohala-mayaon Roga-tigicchāîhi ya nāri va sa-ceyaņā taravo 11201511 (1753) [जन्म-जरा-जीवन-मरण-रोहणा-ऽऽहार-दौहदा-ऽऽमयतः ।
रोग-चिकित्सादिभिश्च नारीव सचेतनास्तरवः ॥२०५॥ (१७५३) Janma-jara-jivana-marana-rohana-"hara-dauhruda-"mayatah Roga-cikitsādibhisca nārivva sa-cetanastaravah 120511 (1753)]
Trans:—205 Trees, like woman, are living (beings) by reason of (their having) birth, old age life, death, growth, hunger, desire, disease, and its diagnosis etc.
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