: 100: Jinabhadra Gani's
[The second effort of their own, immediately afier death, there being no invisible evil fruit (of their evil deeds like cultivation of land ), i e., they will attain Liberation, because there would be no reason for their transmigration. And, then, the author means, the world of transmigration would be mostly empty.
[Now, the latter half of the verse ] Adrstārambha the per. formance of meritorious deeds like • dāna' 'a gift to a worthy recopiont, etc., the fruits of which are invisible (or the unseen principle ). This performance itself would be klèśabahulah i. e., its result will be bad as it will be the cause of wandering in the mundane world. To explain the same–Those who perform the deeds of 'dāna' a gift to a worthy recepient' etc., would by performing them, aim at ('anubandham vidadhyuh) the invisible fruit; then, in a suoceeding birth while experiencing the maturity of that fruit (i. e., the object of enjoyment resulting from it), thoy being propelled by it would be once again active in doing the same deeds of dana, eto., then again by earning their fruit, the experience of its maturity ( will result), and once again, the performance of the deeds of dāua etc. In this way, they will have transmigratory existence consisting of an endless series.*
* Here we beg to differ from the commentator, who seems to us, to have missed the force of klasa in the original verse. The author seems to mean that if we do not assume the evil unseen fruit of the evil deeds of krsi eto., then we have one out of two possibilities viz., all souls will be liberated immedia taly aftor their death, and (2) if we do not assume the conclusion, then, we shall have to take performance of the good deeds of dāna eto., as partly giving their good rewards and also partly but unfailingly giving the bad rewards leading to misery in a succeeding birth in this world. In this latter case, the performance of good deeds alone (dva in the verse) will be cause of much misery (klasa ). We have to explain the great deal of misery in this world. We take it as an
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