:70: Jinabhadra Gani's
[The first That which exists only when another exists and which is nou-existent when that another is non-existent, is the dharma of that another e. g., the noon-light of the moon. Knowledge is associated with elements both by anyaya and vyatireka. Con. sequently it is the dharma of elements. This thought is unjustifiable; for, only a particular type of knowledge which hus for its object, the elements, blue, yellow etc, is associated with these elements by anvaya and vyatirèka and not the entire knowledge in general. For, even when the elements are absent, the Voda declares that ordinary knowledge exists. This is what we learn from Yājnavalkya who says " Astamita adityè, condramasyastamitè, śānte'gnau, śantāyām vāci, kim Jyotir avāyam puruşa ātmajyotiḥ samraç iti novāca." Herein the soul having a flade in the form of knowledge, is alluded to. Hence, it follows that knowledge is not the dharma of elements.
The reason is as under :
तदभावे भावाओ भावे चाभावओ न तद्धम्मो । जह घडभावाभावे विवजयाओ पडो भिन्नो ॥५१॥ (१५९९) Tadabhāvè bhāvāö blāvà cābhāvao na taddhammo I Jaha ghadabhāvābhāvè vivajjayāð paço bhinno. 51 (1599) [ तदभावे भावाद् भावे चाभावतो न तद्धर्मः । यथा घटभावाभावे विपर्ययात् पटो भिन्नः ॥५१॥ (१५९९)
Tadabhāvè bhāvād bhavè cābhāvato na taddharmaḥ | Yathā ghatabhāvābhāvè viparyayat pato bhinnaḥ. 51 (1599) ]
Trans.--51. One that exists when another does not exist and does not exist when that anolher exists, is not its dharma.
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