14 Ityādi cintayan prabhumavéksya sopāna saṁsthito dadhyau
Kim Brahmā, kim Visņuh, kim Sadāśivah Sankaraḥ kim vā ?
14. Thinking thus, and on beholding Sramaga Bhagavān Mahāvîra, he thought while standing on the foot-steps of the stair-case, "Is the Brahma s he Visnu ? Is he Sadasiva (Siva ever kind) or is he Sankara?
चन्द्रः किं ? स न यन्कलंककजितः मूर्योऽपि नो तीव्ररुक् । मेरुः किं ? न स यनितान्तकठिनो, विष्णु ? न यत् सोऽसितः ॥ ब्रह्मा कि ? न जरातुरः, स च जराभीरुः ? न यत्सोऽतनुः ।
झात दोषविवर्जिताखिलगुणाकीणोऽन्तिमस्तीर्थकृत् ॥ १५ ॥ 15. Candraḥ kim ? sa na yatkalankakalitah Sūryo'pi no tiyraruk
merun kim na sa yannitanta kathino Visnu ? na yat so'sitah Brahmā kim ? na jarāturah sa ca jarabhiru ? na yatso' tanuḥ
Jiatam dosavivarjitakhilagunakirno'ntimasterthakrit 15
15. Is he Candra (the Moon) I He is not, because, the Moon is disgraced by a blemish; Is he even the Sun? No, the sun possesses intense brightness,
Is that Mount Méru? No, it is extremely hard (Is he) Visou? No, because he is dark-coioured
Is he Brahmā ? No, he is with old age, diseased and he Jarābhiru ( afraid of old age-Kāmadveva God of Love) No, beca. use he is without a body. Now, I know he is the last Tirthantara who is free from faults, and who is full of all (kinds of) virtues 15
हेमसिंहासनासीन मुरराजनिषेवितम् । दृष्ट्वा वीरं जगत्पूज्यं चिंतयामास स चेतसि ॥ १६ ॥ कथं मया महत्त्वं हा ! रक्षणोयं पुराऽर्जितम् । प्रासादं कीलिकाहेतो-मैक्तुं को नाम वाञ्छति ॥१७॥ एकेनाऽविजितेनाऽपि मानहानिस्तु का मम ?। जगजेत्रस्य किं नाम करिष्यामि च साम्प्रतम् ।। १८ ।।
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