इह भवति सप्तरक्तः बहुमतः पञ्चमूक्ष्म-दीर्घश्च ।
त्रिविपुललघुगम्भीरा द्वात्रिशल्लक्षणः स पुमान् ॥१॥ 1 Iha bhavati saptaraktah saçunatan panca sükşm:1-dirghasca; Trivipulalaghugambhîro dvālrisallakşanan sa pumān. 1.
1. The inan whose uudernamed seven, víz-nails soles of feet, palms of bands, tongue, lips, palate, and corners of eyes are red; whose slx, viz arın-pit, heart-region, 11:ck, nose, nails, and face with forehead, are elevated; whose tive, viz-teeth, skin, hair, joints of fingers, and nails are slender; whose five, vizeyes, heart, rose, chin, and upper extremities are long: whose three, viz-forehead, chest, and fac. are capacio:18; whose tiiree, viz-neck, legs, and the mult generative organ, are short; ind the three, viz-valour, voice, and navel, are deep. The inun possessing the abovename thirty-two quolities is ( considered as ) a man with the thirty-two marks and signs of a fortunate man.
मुखमधं शरीरस्य, सर्व वा मुखमुच्यते । ततोऽप नासिका श्रेष्ठा नासिकायाव लोचने ॥ १ ॥ 2011 th aut afte, 741 H127 THTSSHEI
यथा रूपं तथा वित्त, यथा शीलं तथा गुणाः ॥२॥ 1. Mukhamardham sarasya sarvam vä mukhamucyatė;
Tato’pi sāsikā śrèsthā nasikāyā:ca locane, 2. Yathā rotré tatbā silem, yathā nāsă tatha "rjavam;
Yathā ripam tilthā villam, yatha silam ta hä gumā”.
1. The face is half the portion of the body, or, it snay be said to be the entire part of it; the nose is better than the face; and the eyes are beiter than th nose.
2. As are the eyes, so is the morality; as is the uose, 6.) is the honestv; JN is the beauty, so is the prosperity, and as is the inorality. So are the virtues.
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