३ अतिहस्वेऽतिदीपेऽतिस्थूले चातिकशे तथा ।
अतिकृष्णेऽतिगौरे च षट्नु सत्त्वं निगद्यते ॥ ३ ॥ 3. Atihrasvetidirghetisthulé catikrish; tathā; ___Atikrisne tigauré ca satsu sattvam nigadyaté. 3
3. Strong character is spoken of in the six, namely in those who are too short, in those wbo are too tall, lo those who are too fat, in those who are too thin, in those who are too black, and in those who are too white.
४ सद्धर्मः सुभगो नीरुक सुस्वप्नः मुनयः कविः ।
सूचयत्यात्मनः श्रीमान् नरः स्वर्गगम ऽऽगमौ ॥ ४ ॥ 4. Saddharmaḥ subhago niruk susvapnaḥ sunayaḥ kavih;
Sucayatyatmanah srimān narah svargagama" gamau. 4
4. The man who practises religious austerities, who is lucky, who is free from disease, who has auspicious dreams, who is well-behaved, and who is wise, (that fortunate man) indicates his departure to the celestial world ( in his next life ) and his descent from it also.
५ निर्दम्भः सदयो दानी दान्तो दक्षः सदाऋजुः ।
मर्त्ययोनेः समदूतो भविता च पुनस्वया ॥ ५ ॥ 5 Nirilambhaḥ sadayo dāní dānto dakşah sadārijuh; Martyayonėh samudbhüto bhavită ca punastatbā. 5
5. A man, who is candid, who is kind-hearted, who is charitable, who has restraint over his passions, who is wise, and who is always straight-forward, (that man) has come from the human world and he will be a human being, agaln, in the next life.
६ मायालाभक्षुधालस्यवहाहारादिचेष्टितैः ।
तिर्यग्योनेःसमुत्पत्ति, ख्यापयत्यात्मनः पुमान् ॥ ६ ॥
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