here? Virgin-girls should always act in accordance with the wishes of their elders. Uncontrolled behaviour is an unpardonable blemish in a family-member, What interest have I ja this painting?' Ratnávali then sat on her bed-couch. The agitation of the emotion of love spread suddenly over her entire body as if it got a chance after a very long interval, an ardent longing took possession of her like a foster-sister; and violent anguish overwhelmed her completely as if angered at abstention from meeting with the prince painted in the picture. Becoming unable to enjoy her time any longer there, she went to her pleasure-garden accompanied by some of her chief maid-servants. Sitting for some time in a plantain-arbour aboundig in pea-cocks delightfully making charming sounds on account of perplexity of an erroneous idea of rains caused by the deep noise of the water clock moving there constantly, and busrounded nicely by the fragrant smell of lotus flowers, the princess told her maid-servants Q! bring juicy lotus-stalks and prepare a bed for me. To-day the mid-day sun is unbearable," Some of her maid-servants brought lotus-stalks from neighbouring ponds and made a bed for her. Ratuāvali sat on the lotus-stalks and the maidservants applied sandal- paste, camuhor, and other cooling articles 00 ber body, but her agony did not, in the least, lessen. On the contrary, the more the body of the princess was treated with cooling applications, per desperate fire of love went on increasing thousand-fold. Rolling only for a moment on one side, and for & inoment on another side, taking prolonged sighs, but without uttering a word, the princess began to pant like a fish in very shallow water. On seeing the feverish heat on her body, the maid-Heryants inquired "O! lady! what is the cause of extreme agitation in your body to day ? Is it the fault of indigestible food or a derangement of bile? Or, is there any other reason for it! You tell us every thing in detail, so that, we can inform the physician and suitable remedies can be at once applied. It is not proper to neglect a malady or an enemy. Ratnávali replied:"I do not at present know any special reason for it " The majd - servants said, “O good lady: From the moment that you saw
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