The messenger then showed him the painting of Ratnávali. The king sent the painting to the prince. On beholding the painting, prince Sūrasena, becoming greatly delighted on account of his affeciion towards her in previcus life, and becoming satisfied t getting an opportunity of meeting her even after a long time, became rigid as if pierced by the violent arrows thrown by Manmatha (God of Love), and leaving aside all other work, he became intensely absorbed with drops of perspiration resembling big pearls on his forehead. An attendant, clever in reading thoughts, on seeing the prince in such a state, at once went to the King and informed him of the real state. The King was greatly satisfied. The King informed the messenger, "Ol the prince has a tie of affecrion towards her. Now, it is to be seen whether the princess has any love towards him. Because, objects of enjyment of the couple become illusive when one is extremely affectionate and the other ba; no affection. Only mutual affection which is honest, unperishable, and free from faultfinding, is praiseworthy in this world." The messenger said "O king! What you say in quite right. Then, please give me a painting of your princs for the purpose of showing it to the princess. The King said: It is quite suitable." The messenger then took his seat near him with a respectful salutation. The me seenger there-upon narrated the true account. When the paining was shown to the king, he inspected it respectfully and having praised it repeatedly for a long time, he sent the painting to Ratnávali. Although Ratnāvali had a strong amorous emotion indicated by drops of perspiration caused by arrows of the God of Love at heart on account of deep affec. tion during previous life as soon as she saw it, and although she was unable to leave off the modesty appropriate for a virgin -girl, she, making her face t:rrifying by cunningly distorting her eye-brows, with the object of disguising her altered condition, angrily asked 'Ol who sent this painting to me!" Her maidservants replied, O good lady! your father has sent it. She said "Why?" They replied -"For the purpose of showing it to you" The princess said:- What is use of my seeing it when I am
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