the painting on the painting-board, we conjecture, there is a perturbation in sensual emotions in your body, but you alone can know the true reason". The princess under the conviction that her maids have rightly conjectured the real state, said - Ah! you already know it." The maid-servants, then, thought :-"Before the princess becomes greatly debilitated on account of separation, let us inform the king about this matter. The course of events is hard to understand, The effect of the arrows of Cupid is very harsh and her body is as delicate as flowers of Śirīsa plant We do not actually realize what is going to happen now". With this fixed intention, they informed the king about the deranged health of the priucess. The king, thereupon, called Ratrāvali to his presence, and affectionately told her "O child ! We are desirous of giving you in marriage with Sürsena Kumāra Do you think it fit?” She replied, " That you know best ". The king knowing his daughter's internal idea, told his chief persons: “i Ah! You go to King Mabāsena and bring Sūrasena Kumāra here, to that his marriage-ceremony may be quickly performed" The chief persons saying “ Just as your Majesty orders' went to Śripura Nagar and informed King Mahāgena the object of ibeir visit. The King sent his son Surasena Kumāra accompa. nied by. bis prime-minister, feudatory chiefs, and an army for the purpose of Sūrasen's marriage with Ratnāvali. With an uninte rrupted journey, the party reached Kusumasthala Nagara. Kiuy Jitasatru was instantly informed of there arrival there Becoming greatly delighted, the King gave valuable gifts to persons announcing the good tidings, and ordered his servants thus :- Ah! You set free all the prisoners, give gifts to the needy, without any distirction, decorate royal roads, beautify market-places and rows of shops, commence marriage festivities, make auspicious musical instruments ready, let conchs be blown by delighted Yogis, and bring a handso:ne female elephant elegantly decorated for me, so that I may go to receive the prince”. Everything ordered by the King was immediately done. While going to meet Sūrasena Kumāra, the King saw him like Krsna desirous of meeting with his wife Laxmi. The prince saluted the King
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