who has become free faom the dust of Karmas, a saint free from all bins and faults, one who has reached perfect concentration, one who has acquired Samyaktva (Right Belier), one who is of a similar Yoga, one who is the destroyer of thorns in the form of Māyā ( deceit ), Niyāṇa ( the performance of a penance with a desire of obtaining some worldly object or happiness ) and Mithyátva ( False Belief ; one who is fearless, one who is free from the influence of affection and enmity; one who is indifferent to mundane matters, one who is free from all desires, one who is free brom blemish and who is the destroyer of pride; one who is the ocean of the gem of virtuous conduct; one who is infinite, one who is immeasurable aud one who is an excellent religious Supreme Sovereign till the ends of the four directions. Salutation to Thee, an Arhat. )
शक्रोऽथ जिनमानीय, विमुच्याम्बान्तिके ततः । संजहार प्रतिबिम्बाऽवस्वापिन्यो स्वशक्तितः ॥४३॥ कुण्डले क्षौमयुग्मं चोच्छीर्षे मुक्त्वा हरिय॑धात् ।
श्रोदामरत्नदामाढय-मुल्लोचे स्वर्णकन्दुकम् ॥४४॥ 43 Sakro'tha Jinamaniya vimucyānıbāutike tatah;
Sanjahāra pratibimbă'vasvāpinyau svasaktitaḥ 44. Kundalé kşaumayugmam co-chirşe muktvă Hari [ vyadhāt
Śrîdāna-ratna-dāmāļhyamullocé sværņa-kandukam.
43. Sakra, then, having brought the Jineśvara and having placed him near bis mother, removed the disguised form and the magical sleep.
44. Having placed two ear-rings and a pair of linen garments on his pillow, the ladra, placed a gold-ball ( for playing ) abounding in jewelled garlands prepared with garlands of flowers of ITIA, on the cloth-ceiling
द्वात्रिंशद्रत्नरूप्य-कोटिवृष्टि विरच्य सः। बाढमाघोषयामास, सुरेरित्याभियोगिकैः ॥ ४५ ॥
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