41. Darpano 1 Vardhamăna (ca 2 Kalafo 3 Minayo-r-yugam 4
Sri-vatsa 5 Svastiko 6 Nandyavarta 7 Bhadrâsand 8 iti 42. Sakrah svämipuro ratna-pagtaké rūpyatandulal”;
Alikhya mangalāňyaştaviti stotum pracakramé.
41-42. Having drawn pictures of the under-mentioned eight auspicious objects with grains of rice made of silver, on a plate of precious stone, viz laput Darpaņa, a mirror 2
ATR Vardhamāga, an earthen bowl 3 fors Kalasa an auspiclour jug 4 Haruty Minayor-yugma, a pair of fishes 5 stare Śrivatsa, a figure resembling an auspicious sign having nine angles, on the breast of Vişnu and other deities 6 parere Svastika 7 Fenga Nandyāvarta, and 8 WATER Bhadrāsana, a splendid seat, in front of the Lord, the Sakra commenced to praise as under:
( maraferariagett utenfarife seguraeft sagelfi संधुगइ, संयुणिता वाम जानुं नाव एवं वयासी-णमोत्यु ते सिदषुदणीरय समण सामाहिम समत्त समजोगि सल्लगवण गिम्भय जीरागदोस णिम्प्रम जीसंग निस्सल माणमूरण गुणरयण सीलसागरमणन्तमप्पमेय मविअधम्मपरचाउरन्तचकवट्टी ! अमोऽत्यु से अरहो]
[ Afthagaya – visuddba - gantha - jumehim mahāvittéhim apuqaruttebm, atthajutiéhim samthuņai sarithuņittă vãmam jāņum jāva évam vayāsi:-Namo'tthu té Siddha---Buddha-niraya samana sämähia Samatta samajogi sallagatiaņa pibbhaya piragadosa pimmama visanga nissalla mapamūrasa guparayana sflasăgarama - afantam - appaméya, bhavia dhammavara cãuraatacakkavatti i Namo'tthu té Arabao)
(He Sakra) pralses the Lord with eight hundred pure Compositions, full of excellent meters, perfectly free from any fault of repetitions, and full of meaning. Flaving praised, left knee etc, he spoke thus:- Salutation to Thee-one who has attained Salvation, one who has gained Perfect Knowledge, one
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