उन्मृज्य गन्धकाषाय्या दिव्ययाङ्गं हरिविभोः ।
विलिप्य चन्दनायैश्च पुष्पाद्यैस्तमपूजयत् ॥ ४० ॥ 37. Catu-r-vrisabha rāpani Sakrah kritvā tatoh svayam;
Sringastakaksarat ksirai-r-akarodabhisécanam. 38. Satyam té vibudhā dévah yairantima-Jinesituh;
Srijadbhiḥ salilaih snānam, svayam nairaalyamādade, 39. Sa-maigala pradipam te, vidhāya'rātrikam punah;
Sa-nritya-gita-vädyādi, vyadhu-r-vividhamutsam. 40. Unmrijya gandha-kāsāyya divyayā'igam Hari-r-vibhoh
Vilipya candanādyaiśca puspādyaistainapūjayat.
37. Sakra himself, then, having assumed forms of four bulls, did the ablution with milk flowing through the eight horns.
38. It is true that the wise gods, by whom the bathing of the last Jinesvara with flowing water was done, acquired their own purity.
39. Having done आरात्रिक Arātrikam, Waving of a lamp in front of an idol, along with the auspicious lamp, they again did the festival in various ways, accompanied by dancing, singing, and musical instruments.
40. Having wiped the body of the Lord with divine fragrant (brown-red ) towel, and having besmeares his body with sandal-paste etc, the Indra worsbipped him with flowers etc. 40.
दर्पणो १ वर्षमानश्च २ कलशो ३ मीनयोर्युगम् ४ । श्रीवत्सः ५ स्वस्तिको ६ नन्या-वर्त ७ भद्रासने ८ ।। इति ।। ४१ ।। शक्रः स्वामिपुरो रत्न-पट्टके रूप्यतण्डुलैः । आलिख्य मङ्गलान्यष्टा-विति स्तोतुं प्रचक्रमे ॥ ४२ ॥
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