82. Brahmända sphota-sadrige gabdadvalté prasarpati; ___Rustan Sakro'vathe-r-jnatva ksamayamāsa tirthapam. 33. Sarikhyatitarhatam madhye spristah kenāpi nanghripas
Méruh kampamişāditya-nandádiva nanarta sah. 34, Sailéşu rājatā mė'bhut, snātranirābhişókatah;
Ténāmi nirjară bärāḥ svargapido Jinastatha.
30. Perceiving the doubt of विशेश Tridasesa-the king of the gods,-Vira Bhagavān completely shook the divine mountain by contact with the left toe of his foot.
31. By the shaking of the mountains there, the earth also trenbied. Peaks of mountains fell down on all sides, and eveu the seas became agitated.
32. An unprecedented noise resembling the hursting of the Egg of Brahman extended far. Sakra became angry. But baving known by Avadhi Jnãoa, he asked pardon of the Lord of the (four-fold) 'Tirtha.
33. Out of numerous previous Arhats, I am not touched by the foot by any one of them. Mėru, under the disguise of shaking, danced, as if by rejoicing.
34. By sprinkling with the water of bathing, my supreme eminence among mountains was acquired. These gods are hence may necklaces, and the Jina is, thus, the cold chaplet,
तत्र पूर्वमच्युतेन्द्रो विदधात्यमिषेचनम् ।
ततोऽनु परिपाटोतो, यावचन्द्रार्यमादयः ॥ ३५ ॥ जलस्नात्रे कविघटना
धेतच्छत्रायमाणं शिरसि मुखशशिन्यंशपूरायमानं कण्ठे हारायमाणं वपुषि च निलिले चीनचोलायमानम् । भीमज्जन्माभिषक गुणहरिगणोदस्तकुम्मोघगर्भाद्
प्रश्यहुग्धान्धिपायश्वरमजिनपतेरङ्गसनि श्रियः वः ॥ ३६ ॥ 25
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