समीहितं यन्न लभामहे वयं, प्रभो ! दोपस्तव कर्मणो मम ।
दिवाऽप्युलूको यदि नाऽवलोकते, तदा स दोषः कथमंशुमालिनः ? ३१॥ 31. Samihitam yanna labhāmahé vayam, prabho ! na dosastava
karmano mama;
Divā'pyulūko yadi nā'valokaté, tadā sa doṣaḥ kathamansumālinah ?
31. Therefore, O lord ! if I am not able to acquire ny desired object, it is no fault of yours, but it is the fault of my karmas; because, if the owl does not see even during day-- time, how can it be the fault of the Sun ?
अथ मे मरणं शरणं. किं करणं विफलजीवितव्येन । तत् श्रुत्वेति व्यलपत्, सख्यादिः सकलपरिवारः ॥ ३२ ॥ हा! किमुपस्थितमेतत् , निष्कारणवरिविधिनियोगेन ।
हा ! कुलदेव्यः क्व गता ? यदुदासीनाः स्थिता यूयम् ? ।। ३३ ॥ 32. Atha me maranan aranam, kim karanam viphala
Tat śrutvéti vyalapat sakhyādi” sakalaparivāraḥ. 32. 33. Hã : kimupasthitamé'at, niskā aṇavalri-vidhiniyogéna; ___Ha ! kuladevyah kva gala ? yadudasinah sthitā yuyam. 33.
32. Now, death is the only shelter for me. What is the use of living fruitlessly? On hearing the lamentation of Trišală mātā, her companions and the whole multitude of familymembers, began to cry aloud. 32.
33. Oh 1 how has this unexpected calamity been created by the Fate who has needlessly become an enemy ? Ab! where have the family-gods gone away? Why have you remained indiferent ?
अथ तत्र प्रत्यूहे, विचक्षगाः कारयन्ति कुलवृद्धाः। शान्तिरूपौष्टिकमन्त्री-पयाचितादीनि कृत्यानि ॥३४॥
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