148 पृच्छन्ति च दैवज्ञान, निषेधयन्त्यपि च नाटकादीनि ।
अतिगाशब्दावरचित-वचनानि निवारयन्त्यपि च ॥३५॥ 34. Atha tatra pratyübé, vicaksaņāḥ kārayanti kulavriddhāh;
Sbāntika-pausţika-mantraupayācitādīni krityāni. 34. 35. Pricchanti ca daivajnān, nişedhayntyapi ca nātakadini,
Atigățba sabda viracita-vacanāni nivārayantyapi ca. 35,
34. Tben, with the object of preventing such a calamity, the clever elderly female-members of the family, began to practise various pacificatory, strengthening and expiatory rites and mantras.
35. They asked astrologers, stoj ped dancinge etc, and prevented the talks involving loud speaking. 36.
राजाऽपि लोककलितः शोकाकुलितोऽजनिष्ट शिष्टमतिः।
किंकर्तव्यविमूढाः, संजाता मन्त्रिणः सर्वे ॥३६॥ 36. Rajā'pi lokakalitah sokākulito'janista śistamatiḥ: Kimkartavyavimūļbāh, sanjată mantriņaḥ sarvé. 36.
36. The wise king Siddhartha also, surrounded by the to-wns-people became very sorry, and the ministers even, became extremely perplexed as t.) what should be done now.
तं पि य सिद्धत्थरायवरभवणं उवरयमुइंग-तंती-तलताल-नाडइज्ज जणमणुजं दीणविमणं विहरइ ॥ ९२ ॥
Tam pi ya Siddhattha-raya--vara bhavaņam uparaya muinga--tanti-tala tāla--nādaijja jaşamaņujjam dîna-vimaņam viharai, 92.
At that time, the excellent palace of King Siddhārtha, became entirely devold of the pleasures of the music of the beating of drums, of flutes, of harmonious ciapping of hands, and of various dramatic performances, and of a gloomy appe-arance. 92.
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