khalu dévāņuppiyā! Tigalā khattiyaņi navaṇham mãeānam bahupadipuņņāņam addbatthamāņam răimdiyāņam viikkantānam, tumbam kula-kéum kula-dīvam, kula-pavvaym kula-vadimsayam, kula-tilayam kula-kittikaram. kula --vittikaram, kula-diņayaram, kulădhāram kula-nandikaram kulajasakaram, kula-pāyavam, kula-tantu santāņa vivaddhaņakaram sukumālapāņipāyam, abiņa, – padipuņņa - pancindiya --- sarīrain, lakklana-vanjaņa-guņovavéya in, māņummāņappamāņa -- padipuņņa sujāya-sarvanga-sundarangam sasi -somākākram, kantam, piya-damsanam, surūvam dārayam payāhisi, 78.
78. And these, O dévāņuppiyā! Trisalā ! kșatrivāṇi has seen fourteen great dreams. Magnanimous o dévāņuppiyā ! Trisalā ksatriyāni has seen dreams etc. till auspicious etc. O dévāņuppiaa ! Trišalā kşatriyani has seen dreams. That is to say :--You will have gain of riches, O dévāņuppiyā ! you will have gain of objects of enjoyment, Odévāņuppiyã ! you will have gain of a son, Odévāņuppiyā ! you will have gain of happiness, O dévāņuppiyā ! you will have gain of a kingdom, 0 dévāņuppiya ! certainly, dévāņuppiyā ! on the completion of nine months and seven days and a half, Trišajā Ksatriyāņi will give birth to a lovely, and beautiful son, with a serene face resembling the Moon, and having a charming look, a son-who would be like a flag in your family, who would be like a diadem in your family, who would be like a mountain in your family, who would be like a mark ( on the forehead ) of your family, wbo would be the source of spreading the fame of your family, who would be the supporter of your family, who would be like the Sun in your family, who would be a prop of your family, who would be the cause of spreading the glory of your family, who would be a shelter, like a tree, of your family, who would be the cause of lengthening the race of your family, whose bands and feet would be very tender, who will have a beautiful body endowed with five sensess, which would be without any defect, and perfect, and a body which would be embellished with most a uspicious marks and signs, and with virtuous qualities and a handsome body of measured dimensions and well-developed.
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