71. Viz-The Elephant, Bull, etc. What, to be sure, O beloved of the gods ! will be the blessed gain or professional acquisition portended by these fourteen praiseworthy great dreams !
७२. तए णं ते सुमिणलक्खणपाडगा सिद्धत्यस्स खत्तियस्स अविए gurugeeter FHA - ferat gratuit si foresta आगिहिता ईई अणुपविसन्ति, अणुपविसित्ता असमभणं सद्धिं संचान्ति संचालिता तेसिं सुमिणाणं लदहा गहियहा पुच्छियहा विणिच्छियहा अहिगयट्ठा सिद्धत्यस्स रणो पुरो सुमिणसत्याई उचारेमाणा उचारेमाणा सिदत्यं खचिय एवं बयासी ।। ७२ ॥
72. Taé nam té sumiņa-Jakkhana-pādhagā Siddhatthassa khattiyassa antié éyamattham socch& nisamma hattha-tuttha jāva hiyayā té dumine sammam ogizhanti, ogiphittă iham anupavisanti, anupavisiitä annamannéņaza saddhim samcălénti, samcālittă tésim sumipāžam laddhatthā, gabiyathā, pucchiyatthā, viņicchiyattbā, ahigayatthā Siddhatthassa ranno puraö samigasatthāim ucсārémāņā uccărém&na Siddhattham khattiyam evam vayasi. 72.
72. Then, the interpreters of drearms, having heard this fact from Siddhārtha Ksatriya, and having known the same in their mind, and being pleased, satisfied, and with their hearts full of joy, ponder over the dreams, and having pondered over them, think about their meanings, and having thought well, diecuss the same mutnally amongst themselves. Having so discussed amongst themselves, the interpreters of the dreams, who have known the meanings of the dreams by their own intellect, who have accepted their meanings after receiving the opinion of others, and who, in case of doubts, solved them by questioning others, and who have thus settled and fully comprehended their meaning, spoke thus to King Siddhārtha repeating verses of the Science of Dreams (in support of their oplnion -
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