सहसंबंध-धावमाणावनियत्त-भासुरतराभिरामं, महामगरमच्छ-तिमि-तिमिहिलि निरुद्ध-तिलिति लिया-मिघाय-कप्पूरफेणपसरं, महानईतुरियवेगसमागयभम-गंगावत्त-गुप्पमाणुचलंत-पञ्चोनियत-मममाणलोलसलिलं, पिच्छा, खोरोयसायरं सा रयरयणिकरसोमवयणा ॥ ११ ॥ ४३ ॥
43. Taö puņo canda kirana rāgi sarisa siri-vacchasoham caugamanı pavaddhamāņa jala suncayam, cavala -cancaluccāyappamāņa-kallola lolanta toyam, padupavaņābayn - calia - cavalapāgada taranga-ranganta bhanga - khokhubbhamāra - sobhantanimmala-ukkada ummi-saha sambar.dha-dhāvamāņa - niyattabhåsuralarabhiraman, mahā magara maccha - timi - timingiliniruddha - tilitiliyābbidhāya - kappurapbéna pasaram, mabā nai turiya véga samāgaya bhama-Gargāvatta-guppamāṇuccalanta-pacconiyata - bhamamāņa lola salilam, piccchai, khiroya s&yaram, sā raya rayaņikara soma vayaņā ( 11 ) 43.
43. Then, again, she whose face was as placid as the Autubanal Moon, saw the Milk-Ocean the beauty of whose central portion resembled that of the mass of the rays of the Moon, (being very wbite in the middle ); whose mass of water went on increasing immensely in all the four directions, and whose water moved to and fro by exceedingly resiless and high waves; the milk-ocean, which appeared spendid, as well as, extremly delightful by virible rushing and ever-changing wapes set in motion by sharp wind, by tossing waves, and by waves accompanied witb highly agitated, graceful, oransparent and whirling breakers; the milk-octan, with disfuned, camphorwhite foam produced by the lashing (of tail) of warc Mahā magara, Huge marine-monsters, Fret: Matsyāḥ, Fishes, fafa Timi, Whale, farafas Timingila, Fabulous sea-monster, faut: Niruddhāh, a variety of marine monster, and farsfarc: Tilltilikāḥ, Spotted sea-monsters; the milk-ocean with agitated rolling water, which rose high up and fell down with whirling motion on account of the trad Gangāvarata, a whirling resembling the whirling of th: water of the Ganges produced
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