३४. तो पुणो धवलकमलपत्तपयराइरेगरूवप्पभ, पहासमुदओवहारेहिं सव्वओ चेव दीवयंत, अइसिरिभरपिल्लणा-विसप्पंत-कंत-सोहंत - चारु-ककुई, तणु-मुद्ध-सुकुमाल-लोमनिच्छवि, थिरसुबद्ध-मंसलोवचिअ-ल?-सुविमत्त सुंदरग, पिच्छइ, घण-चट्ट-लट्ठ-उकिट-तुप्पग्गतिक्खसिंग, दंतं, सिवं, समाण सोहंतसुद्धदंतं, वसह, अभिअगुणमंगलमुहं ॥ ३४ ॥
34. Taö puņo dhavaia kamala patta payarāi réga rūvapp. abbam, pahāsamudaova hāréhim savvao céva dīvayantam, aisiribharapillana--visappanta-kanta ~sohanta-caru-kakuham, taņu-suddha sukumā 'a-ioma -niddhacchavim, thira subaddhamansalovacia-lattha-suvibhatta - sundarangam, picchai, ghanaVatta-ukkittha-tuppaggatikkhasiigam, dantam, sivam, samana sohanta-suddha-dantam, vasaham, amia-gunamangala-tmuham
34. Then, she saw a tame lucky bull, of a whiter hue than that of a mass of petals of white lotus, decidedly illumi. nating all around by the diffusion of a mass of light; whose charming, splendid, and beautiful bump was dancing rejoicingly owing to tae collection of its charms; whose glossy skin was covered with thin, spotless, and very soft hairs; whose body was firm, well-formed, muscular, well-nourisbed, attractive well-proportioned, and handsome; whose horns were solid, round, well-nourished, excellent, polished (with grease) and pointed at the top; whose teeth were equal (in size ), brilliant, and spotless. He was the auspicious source of innumerable virtuous qualities. (2). 34
३५. तो पुणो हारनिकर-खीरसागर-ससंककिरण-दगरय-रययमहा सेलपंडुरतरं, रमणिजपिच्छणिजं, थिरलट्ठपउहं, वट्ट-पीवर-मुसिलिट्टदिसिद्ध-तिक्खदाढाविडंविअ-मुह, परिकम्मिअ-जच्चकमलकोमल-पमाणसोभंत लट्टउटुं, रतुप्पलपत्त-मउअ-मुकुमालतालु-निल्लालि अग्गनीहं, मूसागयपवर कणगताविअ-आवत्तायंत-वर-तदिविमलसरिसन यणं, विसालपीवरवरोहे,
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