Mahāvīram caramatitthayaram puvvatittbayaraniddittham Mabānakunda-ggămão nayarão Usabha-dattassa māhaņas& Kodālasaguttansa bhārike Dévāṇandāe māhanie Jalandharasa - guttãe kucchio Khattia-kuņda-ggāmé nayaré Nāyāṇam khattiāņam Siddharthassa kbattiassa Kāsava-guttassa bhārlāé Tisalāė khattiāņié Văsitthasa -- guttāć kucchimsi gabbhattāe Babarávittae, je vi a ņam Tisalāe khattiāņié gabbhé tam vi a nam Dévārandāe māhanié jālaud harasa guttāe kucchimsi gabbhattse sāharāvittāe tti kattu - eyam sampéhéi, sampéhitta Harinéga meslm pāittāniāhivaim dávam saddāvéi, saddāvittā évam vayāsi. 20
20. Hence, it is the established custom of all past, present, and future sakras, Lords of the gods, and Kings of the gods, 10 cause Arhanta Bhagavants to be removed from much-like families of SHETT: Antyāḥ, members of servile class, from families with mean customs, from families with very few family-members, from families of paupers, from families of beggars, bards etc, from families of misers, from families of Alar: Brāhmaṇas (with begging proclivities ) to such-like families of mighty persons appointed by Bhagavān Śrî Rişabhadéva Swami as guardians of people, families appointed as ITC Bhoga-Kula, Families of elderly members such as TE Gurus, Preceptors, gefa Purobita, Royal chaplains etc, familles of
Rajanya-kula ( Families of friends and relatives of kings-with almost equal status in life )-family of gas Jnāta kula-( a family of Ksatriyas in which śramaņa Bhagavān Mahavira was born ), families of stage Ksatriya kula(familles of protectors of the world ), to figura Harivamsa Kula-( in wbich the twentieth Tirthankara Bhagavan Śrî Muni Suvrata Swāmi and thy twenty-second Tirthankara, Bhagavăn Srî Arisa Némi Prabhu, of the present series of twenty-four Tirthankaras, were born) to other such-like families, (such as the family of 7ET: Bhatāh, members of the ear Sürya vamsiya,-the Solar Race, of the Hea Mallakl family, of the
osfor Lécchaki family, of couT: Kauravyāh, members of Kuru-vanía ) with pure sifa Jāti descént from the mother's side and gets Kula, descent from paternal side.
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