who is able to make others free from the trammels of Karmas, (41) H
Sayvannūņam, Him who knows everything through the medium of Kévala Juāna ( a ) Perfect Knowledge. ( 42 ) Faefcertoi Savvadarisiņain, Him who perceives everything by Kévala Darsana ( cro 4 ) Perfect Perception. ( 43 ) FASTA TSAFSTAUJAFATH E ROOTTIPfafafangatre grup garo Siva - mayala - marua – maṇanta makkbaya-mavvābāha-mapuñarāvitti siddhi gai nama dhéyam thānam sampattīņam. Him who has acquired the auspicious, immovable healthy, endless, imperishable, and painless, state called farenfa Siddhi Gati, - the Puth of Perfection-from which there is no re-birth, ( 44 ) FAT fford for agroi Namo Jiņāņam jiya bbayāņam. Obeisance to the Jina fora who has conquered attachment and hatred, and to one who has conquered the different kinds of fear,
After giving homage to all the previous Tirthankaras possessing the above-named qualities, the Saudharma lindra (ar) adores the Venerable Saint Mabāvīra thus :agre o HOTTE TEHETETEA Namutthu nam Samanassa Bhagavao Mahāvirassa, Obeisance to the Venerable Saint Mahāvira, TETTEA Āigarassa, The founder of bis own are Tîrtha or Church, or creed for the four-partie Sangha a Congregation consisting of Sadhūsa ) Monks, Sadhvis ( ETEET) Nuna, Śrāvakas (wak ) Male lay-Jains and Śrāvikas ( w ) Female lay-Jains, (achata ) Carama Titthayarassa, To the last Tirthankara gafarezcalcgte Puvva titthayara nidditthassa, As pointed out by Bhagavāna Sri Risabha-deva and other provious Tirthankaras H afas *TAH Jāva sampāviu kāmagsa ( Till ) desirous of attaining the Path of Perfection (सिद्धिगति) Siddhi Gati; वदामि णं भगवंत arroz
Vandami ņım Bhagavanta tatthagayam iha gaé, I, from here, adore the Venerable One who is there (in the womb of Dévānandā ); ES # H7 Tren TT E Te fa Pasau mé Bhagavam tatthagaé iba gayam ti kattu. 'May the Venerable One from there see me who am here.' So saying, समणं भगवं महावीरं वंदर नमंसद Samanam Bhagavam Mahaviram
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