इदमेवेदृशमेव तत्त्वं नान्यन्न चान्यथा । इत्यकम्पायसाम्भोवत्सन्मार्गेऽसंशया रुचिः ॥ ११ ॥
सामान्य तत्त्व आप्त, आगम और तपस्वी रूप तत्त्व अथवा जीव, अजीव आदि तत्त्व - यही है, ऐसा ही है, अन्य नहीं है, और अन्य प्रकार नहीं है, इस तरह देव, शास्त्र, गुरु के प्रवाह - रूप समीचीन मोक्षमार्ग के विषय में लोहे के पानी के समान निश्चल - अटल श्रद्धा रखना (सम्यग्दर्शन का ) नि:शङ्कितत्व अंग है।
To have faith, hardened as if tempered with molten iron, in the Jaina Doctrine as expounded by the World Teacher (Apta), in the Scripture (āgama), and in the Preceptor (tapobhrt or guru) resulting in belief that Reality is this only, is only what has been said, is not anything else, and is not in any other form, is the first limb, being without doubt (nihśankita guna), of right faith.
Verse 11
ācārya Amrtacandra's Purusārthasiddhyupāya:
सकलमनेकान्तात्मकमिदमुक्तं वस्तुजातमखिलज्ञैः ।
किमु सत्यमसत्यं वा न जातु शङ्केति कर्तव्या ॥ २३ ॥
The description of the nature of substances by the Omniscient Lord is based on anekāntavāda (the doctrine of manifold points
of view
relative pluralism). A right believer should not
any doubt as to whether it is true or false.
Jain, Vijay K. (2012), “Shri Amritachandra Suri's Purusārthasiddhyupāya, p. 18.